[h2]Corinne and Liliane[/h2] Rather than answer her name, Liliane had darted back to the table, tugging a pitiable-looking Corine after her. Honestly, how expressive she could be with those ears... did she [i]need[/i] to look that much like a kicked puppy just because her dinner was left slightly unfinished? It wasn't like she couldn't go back and eat it after they were done signing up. Fortunately, Corinne cheered up pretty much immediately, even though she was remaining firmly [i]behind[/i] Liliane. Not that it did all that much good to hide behind her, since they were the same height and Liliane was a waifish thing. [color=skyblue]"Liliane,"[/color] the white-haired Hundi said, keeping her introduction brief. Unaware that she had already been introduced, Corinne followed suit, accent surprisingly pronounced, [color=tomato]"Corinne Julienne Delphine de Tiffauges, at your service. Ah... I'm quite a new wand, so I 'ope you won't hold it against me. But my wife is [i]much[/i] more experienced than I am!"[/color] She was even pushing Liliane ahead slightly, as if trying to offer her as a bribe.