Misaki opened her mouth to respond to Enli's statement for a moment before deciding against doing so entirely. Everyone from Earth had been brought here by the machinations of a 'deity', so to speak, and even if she was by no means religious, denying the possibility of powers that were beyond their (current) understanding would be the height of folly. With that said, she still could not believe that humans could have the ability to [i]process[/i] infinity in the first place; just as well, though, the possibility of having to take on a god, if even by subterfuge and knowledge... Well, JRPG-esque thoughts like that were better suited for people who had the confidence and ability to back that up—neither of which she had at the moment, of course. With that said, the matter regarding teaching was not something she could not discount the potential of. Granted, it would be far from simple to act as one, but referencing the diagrams and schematics of tools that would be the next logical step in their technological progress to give them and edge, then inciting them to pursue further improvements as a matter of course... That much was at least tempting, and intellectual work like that seemed to suit her better than the subconscious weight on her mind that was being a noncombatant in this world of swords and magic. Before she could come up with a response of her own, though, her companion decided to insert herself into the conversation. The fact that she had a pre-existing arrangement only now returned to her mind, embarrassing as it was to admit now given how recently it had transpired, and the foxgirl found herself nodding in turn. If she didn't have the luxury to stay here, then it was probably for the best that she leave behind what she could for those who had given them shelter. "I... Believe that books would be fine. I could offer some designs and manuscripts, and maybe if they turn out to be useful, then maybe the other villagers would become interested of their own accord," she said, stroking her chin lightly in thought. "Better weapons, for example, would mean less strain placed on the hunters; better metalworking, better tools... And so on and so forth. I think that much could be motivation enough to look into things, no?" [@VitaVitaAR][@Rune_Alchemist]