[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210415/bac3d2a3a1198f0d9f5b660a6d31bb1f.png[/img][/CENTER] [Right][sub] Tags: [@Feyblue][/sub][/right][hr] Kenichi stared up at the sky, his eyes following the clouds that lazily grazed the blue above. His leg was stiff, his left arm radiated with pain as he clutched it with his right hand, and his rear stung from his impact. As Kenichi stared at the sky, he couldn't help but feel like a damn child. He closed his eyes as he groaned for a moment, doing his best to lift his chest up into more of a sitting position. The pain and disorientation helped distract him from his thoughts for now. He didn't want to dwell too long on his mistakes. Wouldn't help him get back up. He turned his torso to face the top of the stairs, and his eyes fell upon a familiar figure. His eyes met that icy blue gaze, and he saw the shift from surprise to concern. Kenichi turned his head away, his eyes searching for the cane resting next to him on the steps. He was doing a poor job to hide his cheeks, which had grown more red and hot from the embarrassment of being found sprawled on the ground. His eyes fell on his crutch, which had fallen just behind the edge of what he knew he could reach. His mind was fluttered with words and thoughts as he tried to figure out a way to either pass off his fall as no big deal, or to try and explain the strange cat he saw, or to even to just greet the closest thing this village had to a shrine maiden. And yet, Kenichi was unable to offer up anything as Oyuki's words rang out. Kenichi watched her quickly pick up his cane and offer out her hand. He gave a bow of his head as he reached up to grasp her hand with his left and twisting his left leg over his right, using his right hand and left leg to try and do the majority of the work in lifting himself up. The last thing he wanted to do was pull Oyuki down with him. He felt himself stand somewhat stable, his right foot finally resting in the ground to aid in that without his cane. The doctor's apprentice couldn't help but feel his right hand reach up and rub the back of his neck as he gave a somewhat defeated look for a moment. [Color=f6989d]"I... No, no, I'm ok. My head is fine."[/color] Kenichi reached out for his cane as he gave a small smile to the shrine maiden. His blue eyes met hers for a moment, before shifting just to the right of her. He needed to try and focus on using his words, and that was hard for him to do if he was focusing on her face and reactions. [color=f6989d]"Thank you, Lady Oyuki. I was caught off-guard by a... a cat, I think."[/color] His brow furrowed at that, and the awkward smile faded for a moment as he tried to piece together what exactly it was he had encountered. The way it had moved disturbed him, and is what threw him off most. He let his eyes wander back to Oyuki, and just shook his head a little, taking a deep breath as he tried to maintain eye contact. He gestured with his free hand off towards the faded red gate leading towards the shrine. [color=f6989d]"My apologies for the inconvenience of my fall. I hope I am not disturbing any of your duties here, but do you mind if I rest here for a spell?"[/color]