"Hey, this bastard here just saved your life," Ambrosius returned her attitude in kind, a mocking smirk on his face, "Those c***s, as you put it, almost killed you just now, did they not? If I hadn't stepped in, you'd be either frozen or dead, so how about a little gratitude, huh?" It wasn't like he needed it, and for the most part, he was just poking fun at her. It was funny, he was used to seeing her riled up, but usually it was at him and his antics. He liked to poke fun at her, teasing her for her rather...lacking intelligence, or grabbing at her for fun, just to get a reaction. But seeing how frustrated and angry she was right now was different. If looks could kill, the hardened glare she wore on her face this moment would be more than enough to massacre the invading Brila forces. Her anger this time, was very genuine, and very directed, and he was glad it wasn't at him. Not that he was scared or anything. "Y'know what, forget the gratitude. I just didn't want to see you die yet, is all. I wasn't going to stay in that prison, and when Asmond here let me out, he was so scared I knew I had to escort him out, keep him safe, you know? He's like a scarred little kitten!" He held a hand to his chest, a mock look of concern on his face. "He's so new, and so young." "It's true," Asmond nodded his head very quickly, his eyes skittering back and forth as he looked for any other mages, "So can we keep doing that? Can we leave now? I don't wanna die." "See? You can hear it in his voice." Ambrosius tried not to laugh at how scared the lad was, and immediately felt bad for wanting to. He was terrified! It wasn't funny! But what was funny was how this frightened rabbit decided to become a city guard, let alone actually made it. Didn't you have to have a certain amount of guts for that anymore, or had that changed? "I'm just doing my part. Now lets get out of here. I guess I can save you too." He extended a hand to Rahne, his all-to-common smirk plain to see. His hope was, they could get out of here alive, and with Rahne, it would be easier for the three of them to escape. Not to mention she looked exhausted and half dead. If they left her, she'd die, and he wasn't quite ready for her to die, yet. She was far too entertaining for that.