Kay listened to Serena talk about the one person she loved and how he died, feeling the pain she felt emotionally. "I'm so sorry you had to witness that Serena" she told her softly, seeing now that Serena clearly needed to get this off her chest and not just keep it bottled up anymore. As the tears fell down the woman's face, Kay used her thumb to wipe them away for her when she overheard John talk about needing a feather. As he went toward the office she looked up and called out, "John! Would one of mine work?!" she asked, knowing that phoenix's were all about rebirth and healing and figured that is Manny hadn't dropped one, then he could just pluck one from her own wings. To her, it was the least she could do for Serena after everything she and Chas had just done for her. Chas couldn't help but think it was a good idea, and strangely surprised that Kay would just offer up one of her own feathers just like that. To him it said a lot about her character as if there was one thing that would be certain, would be that phoenix feathers were just as rare as the bird itself for obvious reasons. "She makes a good point John! Her kind are all about healing and rebirth, it's worth a shot" he added before John could reply to her suggestion. Just as Chas said that, Kay willed her wings to appear through her 'tattoo' on her back, letting them appear and relax behind her, her larger bottom feathers touching the floor and just sprawling out like fabric would on a long skirt's train or the likes.