She grinned at the raspy reply and lowered her weapon a bit so it wasn't pointing directly at the man...ghoul...mutant anymore. It was a more neutral posture and a sign of goodwill than anything. She hadn't seen anyone quite in his condition in a long while, once she had met a traveler on an expedition to the surface, but they had gotten chased by her 'colleagues'. [color=6ecff6]"Not as much as you probably think, I've always been good at spotting things when others don't. A bit of a talent and a gift."[/color] She replied in turn with a well meanigng smile towards the man. Name was Hunter, huh. Well made sense, given he was trapping and hunting in an area by the looks of it. She heard Donny introducing himself behind her and she tossed him a glance. [color=6ecff6]"Well, name's Cat... well Catherine, but nobody really calls me by the full name anymore. I'm from 'Fourth Kingdom'." [/color]She made air quotes of sarcasm at the name of her former 'home'.[color=6ecff6]" Soldier and a scout more or less."[/color] She finished her introduction as she looked at the man from Underhaven.[color=6ecff6]" Figured the same as Donny, that Underhaven might be a good place to just start anew without all the imposed slavery."[/color] She added, her feet precisely positioned around some of the traps so she can easily at least do a sidestep or lean outo f the way of an arrow without stepping into one of the traps. Survival habbits.