[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 9/10 Word Count: 598 Location: Museum Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 10/10[/center] [hider=Level Up: Launch] Jesse level up: Launch Jesse can telekinetically pick up and throw inanimate objects that weigh up to 5000 pounds. She can do this three times every fifteen seconds. Each use takes 5 seconds to recharge. The range is 50 yards. This also grants her a precise, low level telekinesis. She can also just release the energy in a short range blast, or melee attack. [/hider] Jesse waited politely as Joker met up with his ally, Panther. Then he turned to her and gave her the low-down. The idea that something was once again affecting her mind was a deeply troubling one. So troubling, she didn't want to truly consider it. But all possibilities had to be considered. The idea of getting the 'curse' beat out of her wasn't exactly appealing, either. But, it tracked with her experience. The Hiss also became more vulnerable if you shot it to bits, first. That was just how Resonances worked. "Well." Jesse said simply, digging the toes of her boot into the dirt. "Great. I'll think about it. Wouldn't be the first time I've put my health on the line for science, though." Jesse thought, remembering the time she put a bullet into her head to get promoted. "I'd just look real stupid if you guys were trying to mug me, instead." Jesse commented. "Convince me there's some grand world conspiracy, beat the hell out of me and then make off with...my extra hair pins. And my shoes. And I guess, my pocket change." Jesse thought. She didn't actually have that much to steal, now that she thought about it. They couldn't use the Revolver or the Service Weapon. Still, they didn't know that. "I'll think about it." Jesse concluded, but Polaris was glimmering up a storm. [i](Be quiet, you. I know your a fan of just throwing me into the deep end whenever you get the chance. The amount of faith you put in me is both encouraging and annoying. But maybe I don't want to get beat up. Ever think of that?)[/i] One last sassy glimmer from the entity bound to Jesse before going dormant again. Primrose introduced herself. She was clearly a woman who saw value in aesthetic appeal. Jesse was always a very practical person, so they didn't match up on that front. What they did match up with was very direct and simple introductions. "Jesse Faden." The Director said to Primrose. "I know he just said that. But still." "As for the mission-" Jesse began. "Suspicion of kidnapping sounds like a probable cause for searching this place." Jesse glanced over her shoulder at the museum. "Plus, it's been the scene of a crime." "Plus plus, I really want to see what's inside. Finally, I'm not finished asking about this world-covering distorition effect that..." Jesse glanced over at Primrose. Was she quiet, too? It was getting hard to tell. "Has apparently ensnared me." "As for my abilities..." Jesse summoned forth her Service Weapon. The sleek pistol twitched idly in her grasp. "This is my gun. It's a good one. [i]Don't[/i] try to use it." She warned. "It only likes me." With a wave of her hand she dismissed the gun, the Service Weapon disappearing. "This is the Tool Gun." She can a sarcastic, appreciative nod toward the scientist. "It does weird stuff. A real eclectic mix. Change the size of things, stick 'em together, summon a balloon." Jesse explained. She thought about explaining her Health Element power, but decided not too. Best not give away her every little secret. Overall she'd gotten better at opening up to people, but best keep a few cards close to her chest. "I used to be able to do more, but...well. I lost my powers whenever this event began happened. So that's one more point to the theory that there's a distortion effecting me." Jesse summed up. "So, I think we're good to go. Let's search for this missing person. I'll follow your lead, Joker."