[center] [h1][color=f49ac2]Amaris Marivaldi[/color][/h1] [sub]Mentions: [color=c0c0c0]Benjamin[/color] [@Bert Macklin] and [color=92278f]Victor[/color] [@ReusableSword][/sub] [/center] Amaris stared at the device expectantly, chuckling a bit to herself as it crackled to life once again; this time with Victor’s voice. He had advice, or instructions rather, to share with the Count Eve but there was something about it that sounded as if he was pulling some kind of practical joke. The first part was clear enough to her. It was a simple suggestion on how to hold the device when trying to speak, but it was the end that caught her a little off guard. He spoke words she understood and yet their context was clearly evading her. ‘How copy?’ Did he suddenly forget how sentences were structured? And what was this about copying? The professor never mentioned anything about such a feature. It was meant to be a simple device… right? It didn’t seem like she was destined for an answer, however, as the Dame recalled the room’s attention to herself. Despite it only feeling like mere moments, the end of their class had already arrived. Amaris was prepared to return the mystical object but it seemed Dame Patel had other plans for her [i]little chickadees[/i]. She instructed the students to keep them for the time being and had assigned them to practice contacting the receiving devices until their next meeting. The Countess shifted her eyes towards each of her group mates one by one. While she was able to contain any particular thought from reaching her face, it was still pretty easy to infer her hesitance. [color=f49ac2][i]It could be worse… At least Victor appears to have some kind of idea of what he’s doing. If we run into any issues I’m sure he could help us figure it out.[/i][/color] She thought to herself as she carefully packed the item away. Now that they were dismissed, Amaris had a moment to herself to consider the rest of her night. The Countess knew none of her group’s schedules which meant figuring out a moment to practice with the walkie talkie might come down to sheer luck… but that was an issue for another time. For the time being, all Amaris had to do was figure out how to spend her break between classes. The allotted fifteen minutes was often used to check in on the progress of their mages, or further social ties, unfortunately for her neither activity was of interest to her at the moment. Instead she allowed herself the luxury of a leisurely walk toward her next lecture. When it came to the culinary arts, Amaris was like an estranged relative that surely belonged yet still felt out of place. Sure, she could appreciate the many savory scents that wafted from the kitchens around meal times, but that was about as far as it went with her. The Countess knew how to brew a decent cup of tea, and had even worked to learn a couple of different methods of preparing the morning’s coffee. Beverages, however, were far from proper sustenance for a mortal, or at least that was what she had been told. As she drew ever closer to her destination, Amaris’ thoughts had strayed into considerations for what oddities might be in store for her this time. At this point, she might have been relieved to find a pineapple awaiting her at the door. At least that would be semi-familiar.