[centre][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0iDcIIv5Z_jHEJf7zSi8WGYG2AuimLGbNwA&usqp=CAU[/img] [img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210519/723e31e2748101bef030a43d05929bb2.png[/img][/centre] Name: Allaster Gloomsinger Age: 1247 Bio: Allaster Gloomsinger is a curious creature. One that was born long ago when an Angel fell in love with a mortal man. Born a Nephilim. A half breed. Not welcome in the Heavens, he was cast down to be raised by his human father. Most of his life, was considerably normal. He wasn’t told of his unusual heritage, and spent most days working the family farm. As he neared puberty, he noticed he was getting stronger than the other boys his age, and was starting to pick up an affinity for the arcane arts. Concerned, he approached his father who explained the story of his birth. After that, he set out to adventure. Using his powers to help make the world a better place. However, without any formal training, his life of adventure of admittedly short lived. Though he did get conscripted to join the Royal Army when he returned home. Which was his life for about seven years. He spent those years fighting on the front against the shadow realm. He watched friends die in droves. So, after serving his term of seven years, he left the royal army. He had earned a few medals, but he didn’t care about that. So he returned home, to work on the family farm. This would have been his story. Earned some medals and gold working for the Royal army, and retiring to work his family farm. At least it would have been if destiny didn’t have bigger plans for Allaster. A few years after returning home, Allaster‘s village was attacked by a vampire. Try as he might, Allaster could not fend off the foe alone. The Vampire turned Allaster as some cruel joke, leaving him alone after he had killed everyone else in the village. With no one to guide him over his formative years as a Vampire, he turned feral. He spent five years wandering the countryside. Little more than a mindless beast. It wasn’t until he was found by the Royal Guard, where he was recognised by one of the men. The prospect of a Vampiric Nephilim among the Royal Guard was too good to pass up. So they captured him, and retrained him. Gave him a ring to suppress his vampirism. He has served the monarchs ever since. Watching over them for generations. As both council and protection. Which character are you?: Royal Guard Other(optional): [hider=his ring] [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/309/263/large/james-suret-coffin-3.jpg?1567268737[/img] [/hider] [hider=his sword] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQOAlJg1iqcxR0MV-T-mEYGsoh7ix3a-mcEtA&usqp=CAU[/img][/hider]