[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G3lX65O.png[/img][/center] [center][color=orange][b]Kassandra Location: Happy Harbour Obstacle Course Interaction: Team Arrow, specifically [@DClassified] [/b][/color][/center] Once Aleen’a burst a hole in the wall, Kassandra climbed through after some of the others. She brushed the grit from her uniform and hair, and frowned as she noticed the other set of trainees being led to the other side. Had they finished sparring already? She felt a little burst of frustration. They had definitely been meant to go over the wall, and a lot faster, too. She looked at the monkey bars with unfamiliarity. What exactly were they meant to do here? However, Kila inadvertently showed her the way as he jumped and leapt across them with ease. She felt like applauding somewhat. It had been a very graceful display. She inhaled, then took off running. While no one was going to call her a speedster, she wasn’t exactly slow. Kassandra leapt and hit the first bar hard, her palms clanging against the metal. A quick-timed release had her on the next and onward, but she nearly ran out of steam by the end. She started to swing back and forth to get more momentum. [color=orange]“This is-”[/color] She grunted as she swung, further and further with each repetition. [color=orange]“Harder than it looks!”[/color] She finally leapt for the last bar, catching it just barely with her fingertips and then dropping to the other side. [color=orange]“You are very nimble, Kila.”[/color] She turned to watch the other team rolling massive tires. Part of her wanted to continue on, but they were supposed to be a team, right? She stayed put, wondering if they were also going to spar with each other when this was finished. That tiny, dark friend in her head whispered the hope that she'd be paired against Zachary.