For now, Vreta had to be content with waiting, though he hoped the delay was not too long. He still had every intention of going through with their plan. Aside from carrying out multiple terrorist attacks, this Skinner had decided it was important to warn them about the dangers of their plan, yet at the same time, not provide any actual explanation or evidence as to [i]why[/i]. If he was actually trying to stop their plan, his methodology could use some work. With good reasoning and proof, Vreta knew that Rareth very well could be persuaded to halt their plan; however, as it stood, it seemed more likely that the Skinners just had some ideological opposition to being involved with the Cradle based on their notions of Human purity. If worst came to worst, Vreta supposed that the Rothian team could simply start the process, if they ended up being delayed too long. As far as he knew, their team had arrived ahead of them and were already with the object. Regardless, they just had to wait on the Agent to complete her security sweep. Vreta already found himself missing Rothia. He felt much safer under the watchful eyes of the Rahn’Saki. Here, all one had to do to escape surveillance was to enter most private residences. There were even some [i]public[/i] spaces that law enforcement could not always watch. And that was not even to mention the kind of dissent that might exist even within their own security forces. The Humans simply could not keep near as close of a watch on their population as he was accustomed to, and it showed in these bombings. On Outremer, though, Vreta had to look to his own safety. At least now, he had help. Rhia had found an opening into the local surveillance systems, so she was keeping a watchful eye on anything Vreta’s sensors could not see. She kept just as close of a watch on their own supposed protectors as anyone else, as at this point, they did not know who they could trust. In the meantime, Vreta tried to focus on doing something valuable with his time and sent a private message to Freyr. [i]”Are you coming to the same conclusion about this as I am? I highly doubt these Skinners were responsible for that hacking attempt back on Rothia, so the only way they could know about the object is if they have an informant on the Barbarossa. Likely someone directly involved with, or with access to the project. There may be a traitor among us.”[/i]