[color=#ADFF2F][h1]Wender[/h1][/color][hr][sub]mentions: [@vietmyke][@BigPapaBelial][@TheWendil][/sub] A crack of lightning tore through his skull, forcing a leaden-heavy man to sit up against his will. Mind hazy, eyes fuzzy... and just what did he dream of? If not for the storm, he would have had more time to ponder the strange whispers that clouded his mind just a second before… but by then, they’d already grown hazy. More immediate things seemed to warrant his attention. As he wiped his eyes, Wender cast a glance around only to be greeted with unfamiliar surroundings, obscured partially by straight darkness and more rain. What kind of situation was this? The man had no idea where he’d been, but the weight of the earth bore down on him and threatened to stay there. Just this morning, he could’ve sworn... he’d been out with several others to scout out an area, an area crucial to the mission-- only for him to have woken up [i]here[/i]. The only other important question being, where was [i]here[/i]? Even so, there was no sign of worry on the Gresceren’s face. The half-elf was soaking wet and covered in mud, but carried a spring in his step as he bounced right up to his feet. Upon rising, he proceeded to pat himself down but soon immediately paused, record scratch playing in his head. Around him, there laid people-- three of them-- no, four, to be exact. Judging from the slow rise and fall of their chests, they seemed to be doing alright. Status, alive and well, check. Next, who on earth were these guys? The first, seemed to be a half-elf, much like himself; the second, a human female with oddly pink hair; the third, a dwarf with a sick braid, laying under-- what on EARTH? Wend’s pupils dilated as he rushed in to close the distance. Wings? These were wings-- very much functional, and attached to a person! The man held himself back from touching them, afraid of causing damage before he managed to get any answers. Having thought of damage, the dwarf under them still needed to breathe! And so he patted himself down quickly and took note of essentials as per protocol, before gently rolling the body off the dwarf, careful not to fudge its wings. [i]Poor guy, he must’ve had a hard time breathing under there.[/i] One immediate concern down, about two more to go. The rain beat down heavily on all of them, it was only a matter of time before they began to come down with hypothermia. But still, the half-elf, human, dwarf, and… person were still clearly content with taking a nap. Since he was the only one awake, he might as well be of use. Wender laid his palms against the ground, mumbling a polite greeting, and pleaded with anyone to listen. In response, the earth rumbled back, but nothing else. [color=#ADFF2F]“Ah, alright. That’s fine. Maybe next time then...”[/color] he huffed. However, the failure of this plan brought an idea for the next one. One more time, hands hit the floor and another greeting was heard, this time for a different reason. The ground rumbled and shook, lightly, but enough to cause everything within a five-feet perimeter to shake. [color=#ADFF2F]“Okay guys, it’s time to wake up now!”[/color] Wender could feel nature aching to slap him in the face for causing such a disturbance, but desperate times called for desperate measures! Also, were these guys still asleep? In this weather? [color=#ADFF2F]“...you’ve all had your rest! For how much longer do I have to keep calling? AM I YOUR MOTHER? GET UP WHILE YOU STILL HAVE THE CHANCE!”[/color]