[b] San Francisco - Airport [/b] [color=silver] *yawn* This place hasn't change at all. [/color] said Alexis to herself while waiting get her small luggage. San Francisco was always one of those town that bored Alexis to death. No matter what others said about it, there was nothing here for us. Almost nothing... As soon as she was out of the Airport, she lit up a fag, took a big puff and sighted. Home sweet home. As soon as she moved a bit from where she was standing, a cab driver rolled the window and asked where she wants to go. A smile creeped on Alexis's face. She didn't even look for one yet but here it was, a [color=gold] lucky [/color] break. Sometime later she arrived Downtown. Paying the driver, she got off the cab and closed her eyes. She couldn't remember where the shop was but if she would be lucky, she'd reach it, somehow. As if guided by an invisible force, she weaved throught the streets and sneezed exact in front of... "[color=silver] What the fuck happened here? [/color]" The shop was a mess, windows boarded up with anti-muslim graffiti on them. A lot of grass on the ground and planks of wood. The sign just above the door was in pieces and of it's letters only a F,K,U remained, probably a message from some smart idiot. Looking around Alexis noticed that her parent's shop wasn't the only one vandalised or closed, most of the others on the same street were. None of those that were held by white people tho'. As she was trying to make sense as to what happened, a girl, no older than 13 ran towards her cluching her arm. Blood trailing behind her. "[color=yellow] Hey! Nafisa! Please help me! [/color]" Alexis looked at her in confusion and said with a smirk : "[color=silver] I've got no clue who you are kid but I'm not Nafisa. I'm Alexis. [/color]" "[color=yellow] But...but, you look...[/color]" "[color=silver] The same? Yeah, that's what having a twin means. Now, I'll give you ten dollars if you tell me what happened to the store here. [/color]" said Alexis, seemingly ignoring the fact that the girl was bleeding. "[color=yellow] You are a very rude lady. You are not Nafisa but for 30$ I'll tell you where to find her. [/color]" Alexis laughed, a street kid that knows how to make money. That's a smart one. She took out 40$ and held it in front of the kid. "[color=silver] I'll give you 40$ but if I find out you double crossed me, I'll find you. [/color]" "[color=yellow] Go to the corner of 3rd street, look around for the Angel. [/color]" as soon as she finished talking, she snatched the 40$ and ran into the other direction, getting lost throught the streets. "[color=silver] Damn, she's fast. "Look for the Angel" what the fuck is that?[/color]" muttered Alexis and then took another fag out and lit it. Finding her way towards 3rd street.