[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190906/8a749958ff29d7df1f3c9a10b0dd1758.png[/img][/center] Ben took Count Astorio's words to heart, adjusting accordingly. He still had to fight a smile anytime the word came up, but he was certain it wouldn't take too long to learn how to use something that worked with the press of a button. How technology progressed so quickly! And Dame Patel was generous enough to let them borrow it for the night. He would need to practice as much as he could whenever he retired to the dorms but would keep in mind not to disturb the others too much. The thought occurred to him that he would go far asking the pair what times were best, but neither of the other two spoke up. Countess Marivaldi seemed hesitant on that end. Oh well. For now he would lay the issue aside, offering the pair little more than a word of farewell before leaving the classroom. Next would be his and Lilie's showmageship class, and he wanted to make a good first impression by arriving together with her. If he recalled correctly, she had her affinity class, which was a distance away. He fished out his notebook to double check only to find himself mistaken. He was ahead of himself as there was one other class and a lunch period before the two should unite. Perhaps he could catch her in the cafeteria. No matter, the important thing was that he had a few minutes to take his time to get to the [i]right[/i] class. Ben corrected his path and let the talk of the students fill his eardrums. The conversations were mostly catching up and complaints about classes beginning anew. Eris' voice struck out to him and he noticed the blond just ahead. Of all the voices to draw his attention, why did it have to be his? However, the celebrity wasn't the point of the scene as what was more interesting was the Sinnenodel walking beside him in one piece. What a stunt, he must be picking up on Eris' habits of drawing attention. This did confirm Ben's own suspicions on drawing out an assailant but it did not bring him much comfort to know Varis Sinnenodel was, in fact, alive. It wasn't that he wished the vampire dead but it was not every day that one would publicly fake their own death. To think he would go so far as to have his Lady make a public declaration as well. Was that why the princess had in fact visited their dorms? His initial guess had been much too naïve. Would a thwarted assassination attempt truly been worth that hassle? He did not truly know much of the Sinnenodel house and their workings but was aware that their constant changes had everyone more paranoid than usual. Whatever the case may be, it was none of Ben's business. Technically speaking, Varis was in fact the heir he was throwing his weight behind so at least his father wouldn't go questioning him just yet, and that meant he did not have to start over with another heir. If he still sat at the board of Green Vision Inc., then Ben still had business with him yet. Once he was focused on his path he realized they were walking in the same direction he was. Were the three of them to share a class? While he initially believed it to be a stroke of bad luck that they would be forced to sit in the same room together, it wouldn't necessarily be a waste. He could slowly work to gain Varis' favor and ignore Eris to infuriate him. What was the expression? Two birds and a stone? The stone did something but he couldn't recall. Or was it one bird with two stones? That sounded more accurate. He did hasten his step a touch to catch up to the pair as he decided he may as well play the part of a relieved colleague. No, not relieved. He needed to...what was that other expression? Play with the cool? No, he remembered, it was [i]be[/i] cool, in which the temperature mattered because something hot drew attention and a cooler food item was likely to be less noticed. If he was too shocked or excitable than he would come off as disingenuous. [color=C0C0C0]"Good evening, Count Sinnenodel,"[/color] Ben said. He wanted to ignore Eris, but as the latter was in the pocket of the former, it would likely be rude. [color=C0C0C0]"Eris."[/color] He kept the usual disdain out of his voice at least.