It had only been a few months since Soul found his way to the school. Well since the school found him. The first few days were a transition. He had never seen so many people gathered in one place, all of the scents and sounds were almost overwhelming. But also he felt peace, despite all the chaos of this place. He felt a peace had never known. Interacting with people was something different, however. Those that could feel others, empaths they were called, and spiritualists that could read auras seemed to be the most unnerved by him. He had heard the empaths talk about how they didn't like always feeling emotions...but then feeling nothing from him seemed to bother them even more. Those that saw auras tended to stay away from him as well. He wasn't surprised and felt it best to simply allow them the space they wanted. Preferring instead to allow others to approach him. He also enjoyed the routine of it all. Starting his day, usually before the sun rose with training. Then he had lessons, the teachers weren't too keen on fully integrating him just yet, he had more to learn they thought. He could speak, but his understanding was limited, and he could only just barely read and write. He could perform basic math, but anything more advanced was lost on him as he was only taught what others deemed necessary, which wasn't much. During physical events and training he mixed with the rest of the students, he enjoyed it, the rules were straight forward things were regimented. He spent most of his time after scheduled events in the library. It was quiet and peaceful, and he could read the books to practice his reading more. A few students had even started to warm up to him. Sitting in the library late at night as he didn't sleep as much as most people, and it was only a light sleep at that. The quiet was suddenly disturbed, he could hear movement. Panicked footsteps, looking up he scanned the room. The air was starting to feel heavy, the hair on his arms stood up as. Though all the scents of smells of this place, one was starting to rise up. The growing sense of Fear becoming palpable. [hr] Soul Walked up what everyone was calling Black Hill Top. He was with one of the last groups of stragglers, most of them seemed exhausted. He walked with bags upon bags pilled onto him, his feet sunk into the ground with each step. Despite the weight, he didn't look tired, and it even looked as if the others were having trouble keeping pace with him. [color=a187be]"Please Keep up, we have almost arrived"[/color] There were a group of students in front, talking to an old man. He could hear some of what heard said, even from the distance as he approached [color=8dc73f]"thank you" [/color] [color=004b80]"thanks"[/color]. Once they felt they were safe behind the barriers they were taking their bags from him. He nodded to them, hearing the relief in their voices. He looked at the building in front of them. Only a few were still outside, some walked past him as he took in a deep breath. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the scents of magic permeated from this place, His eyes opened, an ethereal glow behind them as he looked about, the night turned to day, the scent of magic came alive to him as he could hear that constant humming of it all. Exhaling the light dimmed away. [color=8882be]"What can I do?" [/color] He spoke as he approached closer to those who remained. His voice was soft, his tone flat. Despite that, it carried well. His words spoke with unnatural canter and cadence as it seemed like he was making sure he was speaking correctly. There was a Pause before he spoke again, [color=8882be]"I would like to be of Service." [/color]