[hider=Camden the Younger, Major WIP] Name: Lord Camden The Younger of House Brewer, Lord of the Lakelands, Sovereign of Illinois, Warden of the Great Lakes, Marine Master of the Mississippi Age: 23 Sex: Male Appearance: Camden has inherited the looks that his forefathers bore. Tall, fair skinned, with a crown of golden hair. He does not, however, have the piercing blue eyes like his forefathers. His eyes are instead dark and intense, akin to an offspring of the Lakeland tribes. When at court or conducting official business, Camden dresses as a lord should. Cotton undershirt, leather tunic, and armored appropriately for the locale and nature of the business at hand. When he is at ease, he can be seen mostly dresses as a common member of the Lakeland folks. Cotton shirts, woven britches and the like. He often has a thicker, weathered cloak with him, emblazoned with the sigil of House Brewer on it with a brooch made of starmetal in the shape of a fully grown frond of wheat, the symbol of House Brewer, to hold it together. During the harsh winter, Camden trades in his leather tunics and outer garments for a thicker, fur-lined variant to combat the biting wind and cold of the Lakelands. Camden always carries some sort of small arms on him. Anything from a simple, yet ornate, dagger, to the legendary greataxe of House Brewer. The greataxe, aptly named Fjord Cutter, is an awe-inspiring creation of master smiths in times past. The axe blade is forged from starmetal, giving it a golden hue among blackness. The handle is a braided bunch of old maple. It looks weathered, but Camden has no doubts about its durability. The most unique fact about the weapon is the gem socketed at it's pummel. A pale-blue stone that shoned with what seems like starlight. Lineage: Son of Lord Camland Brewer, Lord of the Lakelands Background: (Short history of major events that shaped their lives and what they've been doing up until now.) Personality Traits: (Their personality but in traits instead of long sentences. They are what they MOST OFTEN display, think like traits in CK3 if you've played that game. It should be obvious that they will not like people with opposite traits: cynical vs zealous, kind vs cruel, just vs arbitrary, brave vs cowardly, etc.) Ambitions: (The goals of your character, their driving motives.) Achievements: (Major personal achievements like increasing revenue, slaying a great beast or monster, fighting in a battle, dueling a known champion, establishing a new trade route or treaty.) Relationships: (This can include family, marriages, friendships, rivalries, etc. Talk with other players to see if you can connect your houses and characters with each other!) Misc: (Other stuff you'd want to put in like habits, mannerisms, fears, personal belongings, etc) [/hider]