[hider=Info][h1][center]Concerning Rolls and Stats[/center][/h1] [hider]First and foremost, this is a narrative roleplay. [b]Rolls[/b] will [b]not[/b] be common. In fact I'll be doing far more rolls than any of you, behind the scenes. Most of your rolls you will make, save for combat or stunts, will be by your own choice. Concerning stats, you choose 9 to be proficient in. Do not worry, even if you don't choose something like 'seduction' you can still seduce, but it just gives you an edge in that category. Your outlier main stat is mysticism. It's not like the others, as you need to use up three of your stat choices to unlock it, so you'll only have six other choices to make. Now onto your rolls. You will always use a D8 to make your roll unless I state otherwise. Every point you have in an advanced stat, you will add to your roll. Which means, if your character is wielding a sword and shield, and you are proficient in sword and shield, and you use it, then I will roll a 1d8+1. I will add to the modifier as the roleplay continues and you advance. [/hider] [center][h1]Stat List[/h1][/center] [hider] [center][h2]Combat[/h2][/center] [hider=Advanced Stats] [b]One handed Sword[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a one handed sword: Arming Sword, Cutlass, Saber, Backsword, Sidesword, etc.[/indent] [b]One Handed Blunt Weapon[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a blunt weapon in one hand: Maces, hammers, clubs, etc.[/indent] [b]One Handed Cleaving Weapon[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a cleaving weapon in one hand: Hand axes, broad bladed axes, falchions, etc.[/indent] [b]Two Handed Sword[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a sword that requires two hands to wield: Two Handed Swords, Gross/Kriegmessers, Greatswords, Katanas, Zweihander, etc.[/indent] [b]Two Handed Blunt Weapon[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a two handed blunt weapon: Warhammers, Large maces, etc.[/indent] [b]Two Handed Cleaving Weapon[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a two handed cleaving weapon: Battle axes, Great Axes, War-Scythes, Gross/Kriegmessers, etc.[/indent] [b]Polearms[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a polearm: Spear, Poleaxe, Halberd, Bardiche, etc.[/indent] [b]Polearm with Shield[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a polearm with a shield: Short Spear, Bill, etc.[/indent] [b]Sword and Shield[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a sword and shield.[/indent] [b]Blunt and Shield[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a blunt weapon and shield.[/indent] [b]Cleave and Shield[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using a cleaving weapon and shield.[/indent] [b]Dual Wielding[/b]: [indent]You are proficient dual wielding one handed weapons.[/indent] [b]Daggers[/b]: [indent]You are proficient in using smaller blades: Long Knives, Daggers, Basilards, Short Swords, etc.[/indent] [b]Archery[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using bows.[/indent] [b]Crossbow[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using crossbows.[/indent] [b]Throwing Weapons[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using throwing weapons: Throwing Daggers, Throwing Axes, Javelins, etc.[/indent] [b]Unarmed[/b]: [indent]You are proficient in unarmed combat.[/indent] [b]Exotic Weaponry[/b]: [indent]You are proficient using exotic weaponry: Whips, Katars, Chakrams, etc.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h2]Intelligence[/h2][/center] [hider=Advanced Stats] [b]Appraisal[/b]: [indent]The ability to deduce the price of an object or good.[/indent] [b]Literacy[/b]: [indent]You are able to read and write.[/indent] [b]History[/b]: [indent]You're learned in history.[/indent] [b]Math[/b]: [indent]You're learned in math.[/indent] [b]Alchemy[/b]: [indent]You're learned in Alchemy.[/indent] [b]Culture[/b]: [indent]You're knowledgeable on customs and class distinctions in an area.[/indent] [b]Bestiary[/b]: [indent]You're well informed on zoology and various beasts.[/indent] [b]Religion[/b]: [indent]You're learned in your chosen deity.[/indent] [b]Legendry[/b]: [indent]Myths and Ancient Lore are a passion of yours.[/indent] [b]Botany[/b]: [indent]You've a green thumb and the knowledge to back it up.[/indent] [b]Geography[/b]: [indent]You're learned in geography.[/indent] [b]Craft[/b]: [indent]You're proficient in a craft.[/indent] [b]Linguistics[/b]: [indent]You're fluent in a new language per point.[/indent] [b]Engineering[/b]: [indent]You're proficient in Engineering.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h2]Charisma[/h2][/center] [hider=Advanced Stats] [b]Diplomacy[/b]: [indent]You've a knack for brokering peaces, making business transactions, and making agreements.[/indent] [b]Leadership[/b] [indent]You can lead others in battle and actions.[/indent] [b]Charm[/b]: [indent]People tend to like you. This also helps with flirting.[/indent] [b]Seduction[/b]: [indent]Self explanatory. More forward and explicit than charm.[/indent] [b]Disguise[/b]: [indent]Exactly what it says on the tin.[/indent] [b]Singing[/b]: [indent]You're practiced in Singing.[/indent] [b]Dancing[/b]: [indent]You're practiced in Dancing.[/indent] [b]Musical Instrument[/b]: [indent]You're practiced in a Musical Instrument.[/indent] [b]Deception[/b]: [indent]Lying and acting comes easier to you than most people.[/indent] [b]Voice[/b]: [indent]You're good with accents.[/indent] [b]Mongering[/b]: [indent]You know how to start conflicts.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h2]Health[/h2][/center] [hider=Advanced Stats] [b]Strength[/b]: [indent]Yep[/indent] [b]Fortitude[/b]: [indent]How well you can handle poisons, alcohol, or deadly concoctions.[/indent] [b]Toughness[/b]: [indent]How difficult it is to wound you, and how much punishment you can take.[/indent] [b]Stamina[/b]: [indent]How long you can last doing an extensive physical activity.[/indent] [b]Rejuvenation[/b]: [indent]How long it takes you to heal post-combat.[/indent] [b]Cold Resistance[/b]: [indent]Yep.[/indent] [b]Heat Resistance[/b]: [indent]Yep.[/indent] [b]Eyesight[/b]: [indent]Yep.[/indent] [b]Hearing[/b]: [indent]Yep.[/indent] [b]Taster[/b]: [indent]Yep.[/indent] [b]Scent[/b]: [indent]Yep.[/indent] [b]Touch[/b]: [indent]Uh huh.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h2]Faculties[/h2][/center] [hider=Advanced Stats] [b]Sanity[/b]: [indent]How long you keep your sanity in insane situations and effects.[/indent] [b]Perception[/b]: [indent]You base sense of your surroundings.[/indent] [b]Intuition[/b]: [indent]Your base common sense.[/indent] [b]Concentration[/b]: [indent]Yep. Spellcasters, crafters, and even combat people can benefit.[/indent] [b]Tamer[/b]: [indent]How well you handle or train an animal.[/indent] [b]Tracking[/b]: [indent]Spotting wilderness tracks.[/indent] [b]Resolve[/b]: [indent]Your ability to get back up after being knocked down.[/indent] [b]Willpower[/b]: [indent]Your ability to keep yourself from making a decision based on negative effects, like insanity or enchantments.[/indent] [b]Woodcraft[/b]: [indent]Your ability and knowledge on making camp and surviving in harsh situations.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h2]Agility[/h2][/center] [hider=Advanced Stats] [b]Run[/b]: [indent]Your running speed.[/indent] [b]Jump[/b]: [indent]How high/far you can jump.[/indent] [b]Stealth[/b]: [indent]Sneaky sneak[/indent] [b]Pick Pocket[/b]: [indent]Yep[/indent] [b]Lockpick[/b]: [indent]Yep. You will need a lockpick or similar item, however.[/indent] [b]Balance[/b]: [indent]How well you can balance or land.[/indent] [b]Outdoor Climbing[/b]: [indent]Your ability to rock or tree climb.[/indent] [b]Urban Climbing[/b]: [indent]Your ability to climb buildings.[/indent] [b]Swimming[/b]: [indent]Your ability to swim.[/indent] [b]Ride[/b]: [indent]Your ability to ride an animal, usually a horse.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h2]Mysticism[/h2][/center] [/hider] [center][h1]Playable Peoples[/h1][/center] [hider] [center][h2]Elves[/h2][/center] [hider][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/81/c3/46/81c3463dde077841ab093830bba3eb70.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Elves have a long and storied history, their lineage connecting both to the world of Faerie and the Heavens themselves. Elves live around 400 to 500 years old, and they remain youthful through much of their life. Males only grow beards after 450 years. There are six subraces, but only three are available to you. [b]High Elves[/b]: [indent]Also known as the Silvari, or Silver Elves. They are skilled in both magic and warfare. Prized craftsmen, musicians, and sailors. Silver Elves tend to wear more armor than other Elves, though it's still usually light weight. They are skilled in the spear, sword, and longbow much like their Wood Elf cousins. They generally believe their civilization is the pinnacle of achievement, and in some instances they are not entirely wrong. Namely, High Elves tend to be the tallest Elves, close to human height. Name examples include (Male) Gilandon and Armangil (Female) Vanya and Meldamiriel.[/indent] [b]Wood Elves[/b]: [indent]Also known as the Wydari, Wood Elves are tireless combatants and fierce foes. At their heart, they're a civilization of compassion, particularly for the natural world and woodland beats, which is why they are so feircely protective. While they don't tend to live in vast urban cities or contemporary towns, they are no strangers to magic, literature, or music. They're known for their archery, as you might imagine. Wood Elves are slightly shorter than Silver Elves, but slightly thicker limbed. Name examples include (Male) Calanon and Thanduin (Female) Rhavaniel and Verya.[/indent] [b]Dark Elves[/b]: [indent]Known by various names. Dwarves and most men call them 'Dorcha,' while the men of Thaegar and Norgard call them 'Myrkalfs' or 'Mylkafar,' as their fellows Elves dub them as 'Dwindels.' All know them as Dark Elves. They are cunning, malicious, and dangerous. Their society is theocratic and matriarchal. These Elves worship snakes and spiders, and they enjoy the taste of blood. They tend to live far underground or in desolate, isolated settlements in the far east. Name examples include (Male) Brorl and Danin (Female) Barsinte and Vereesa.[/indent] [center][h2]Men[/h2][/center] [hider][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/44/c7/b6/44c7b646b53b98d398b7b873cbc4824d.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [b]Thaegars[/b]: [indent]Famed monster-slayers and mercenaries, Thaegars are rightly feared. They're honorable to a fault, known for being fatalistic yet stubborn in nature. They don't wish for death, but dying in combat is something they never fear. Thaegars considered Oak Trees and Cairns sacred. Thaegars speak Northern and Drimgoth, their native tongue. They hail from the Kingdom Thaegoradrim. Name examples include (Male) Beowulf and Cuthbert (Female) Audra and Ethel.[/indent] [b]Norgardians[/b]: [indent]Close cousins to the Thaegars, the men of Norgard have much the same outlook on life. They're less of a stickler about honor, however. They are likely the best sailors and raiders of mankind, or at least on par with a few others. Norgardians favor the axe and shield or the sword and shield. Their Gods tend not to give divine powers to their followers, but they will reward them with gifts. Norgardians speak Northern and Grim Northern. Name examples include (Male) Ulfric and Harold (Female) Brunhilde and Freyja.[/indent] [b]Andred[/b]: [indent]The Kingdom of Andred is likely the most powerful human nation west of the Sundered Sea. Though its power waned as all other nations did the last few centuries, it still holds technical authority over various provinces on Torek. Andredians are hard working, known for their militias, Knightly Orders, and adherence to their Triarchy of Gods. If you picture the classical castle or the noble late medieval king, you're thinking of Andred. Their heavy cavalry is likely the most dangerous in the north, and many a hero has risen from Andred's bosom. Their native language dominates the north, hence the name 'Northern,' though some know it as 'Andredian.' Name examples include (Male) Alden and John (Female) Lauren and Christine.[/indent] [b]Dre Costa[/b]: [indent]The citizens of this coastal nation are highly religious and ambitious in their trade. They tend to rent out their ships and armies as mercenaries when not in conflict themselves. Dre Costans venerate Dragons, putting many Dragon insignia's on their clothing or buildings, though most Dragons (save for a few notable examples) tend to pay as much attention to them as they do other humans. Dre Costans are notable sailors, businessmen, explorers, and colonizers. The tend to have olive skin and dark features. They speak Dre Costan, though some speak Northern. Name examples include (Male) Alatriste and Bolivar (Female) Dalia and Franscesca.[/indent] [b]Vrettonians[/b]: [indent]If Andred has a rival in any given category, it is Vrettonia nine times out of ten. Vrettonians are known for their knights, their opulence, wealth, and magic. Though still a highly religious and fuedal society, fifty years ago their Kingdom was destabilized in a coup and became a short-lived Magocracy, reducing the power of the church and the High Dukes, not to mention the royal family fleeing for their lives. It was a short lived coup, as the survivors took back control and brought the mages to heel. The dissenters were executed, but the court mages did negotiate and re-affirm some power. It has done little to change Vrettonian way of life or its foreign policy, but it's shaken up religious ideals. Vrettonians speak in a flowery language, duel one another quite often, and are avid poets. The predominate hair color in the nation is blonde and brown. Vrettonian is obviously their chief language, though many speak Northern. Name examples include (Male) Louis and Mael (Female) Irene and Jacqueline.[/indent] [b]Praelians[/b]: [indent]Praelior is an arid land of mountains and shrubs, with little in the way of farming save for vineyards, olive trees, and cattle farming. Visiting the country, you can scarcely believe it is the home of the 'High Men' who once ruled the largest human Empire in history. Praelians are a tall people, with bronzed or coppery skin and dark features. They live in a loose confederation of city-states. Praelians also loosely follow a rule of conduct called the 'Armadium,' which dictates the roles of society, calling for citizens to strive to perfection in all they try to achieve. Praelians are known artists, poets, and they are skilled in the sword and shield along with the spear. Praelians also tend to live slightly longer than normal men, averaging 120 years of age, maintaining their youth into their fifties. They speak Praelian and Northern. Name examples include (Male) Brasidas and Askanios (Female) Barsine and Ithaca.[/indent] [b]Izyrians[/b]: [indent]The Izyrian Shahanate is the first step onto the eastern continent, making its home on the coast of the Sea of Swords. Izyria is much like Praelior, in that it's a collection of city states working together due to a common ancestry and culture. Izyrians are closely related to the Ra'sheeks, though slightly lighter of skin and less prone to opulence, though that is not a high bar. Izyrians are good traders and sea farers, and those that don't live within the city states are rough, mountain folk. They speak Aradian, though some speak Northern or the tongues of those they trade with. Name examples include (Male) Ashur and Tammuz (Female) Mahtab and Samira.[/indent] [b]Ra'sheeks[/b]: [indent]Citizens of the great Sultanates live in vast cities next to the few water sources they can find just south of the Corsair Strait. Ra'sheeks skin tone range from caramel to brown, often wearing light or brightly colored clothing. They respect wealth as it denotes status, and magic as it denotes power. Living in a barren desert teeming with horrors and dark gods encased in caverns, along with brutal laws against the impoverished give the society and very cutthroat, dangerous feel to it. You might say it's a society of extremes in many ways, though many also make a peaceful living as farmers, sailors, or craftsmen when they find suitable spots for it. Ra'sheeks are notable magicians, thieves, alchemists, and sailors. Their society is deeply religious, worshiping two unique gods. Hayashim, God of the Sun, and Sarika Goddess of Moon and Bringer of Water. They speak Aradian, though some speak Northern. Name examples include (Male) Bahram and Amal (Female) Rahajashra and Fabrija[/indent] [b]Di'janni[/b]: [indent]Descendents of the Ra'sheeks and Izyrians, Di'janni are exiles from the Arad'Luin desert, living in the north as wanderers and small bands. It is said they have a Djinn blood running through their veins, and their penchant for magic and mischief give credence to the theory. Despite being seen as pariahs and thieves, and some live up to that image, they're also known for being kind-hearted to fellow outcasts and the downtrodden. They're talented performers and weavers, and those that somehow attain great wealth still enjoy traveling. Di'janni speak a language of the same name (very similar to Aradian), and Northern. Name examples include (Male) Dacian and Viorel (Female) Gabriella and Ruxundra.[/indent] [b]Banians[/b]: [indent]Banians are much like the land they call home; cold and rugged. Banians are heavy drinkers, fell warriors, and famous trappers of beasts. They're often on the receiving end of Norgardian raids on what little coastline they have in the far north. Most people live under the protection of a boyar (baron) among pine forests or rolling hills that lie under snow much of the year. They work together to survive the harsh climate, though Banians in their Capital city are far less cooperative due to their comfort, with duels and scheming not an uncommon sight. Banians have the distinction of being attacked the most by Vampires and Werewolves, and their forests are known to be haunted. Men tend to have dark brown hair and hearty beards, and women's hair tends to be jet black and naturally straight. Banians speak a coarse language of the same name, but also Northern. They are an oddity, as the Banian people are the only nation to be under the rule of a non-human: Queen Isabella, the Silver Elf. Name examples include (Male) Boris and Grigori (Female) Magdalena and Ivanka.[/indent] [b]Dwemorlocks[/b]: [indent]Exiled from the Northern Continent over a thousand years ago after the Great Civil War, Dwemorlocks were set adrift on boats without sails, paddles, or food as a death sentence. Eleven Thousand were shipped off. Two fortnights later, only three thousand remained, having eaten their fellows and drank their blood. Their ships landed upon the blasted lands of the fallen Xaglethuthe Empire. Desperate and vengeful, they contacted the wraith spirits and demons of the land and became great sorcerer kings and reavers. They interbred with the Bedouin nomads and with the great sun their skin turned tanned and coppery. To this day they still live in their fortress cities over vast slave populations and undead servants, living off the bounty they take from others and giving homage to Heathen Gods. Their numbers are few, but they descend from the High Men as the Praelians do, and so they live far longer than normal men. Name examples include (Male) Zul-gyg and Rathmitar (Female) Badira and Nefertari.[/indent] [b]Caelic Isles[/b]: [indent]The Caelic Isles dwell within the Shrouded Sea, where few dare travel. Norgardians are the most frequent visitors (and raiders), though much of the southern Isles are under the control of Andredian nobility. The Caelic peoples are hunters, guerilla fighters, and many believe they have some fey blood in their veins. Caels tend to have red, brown, or black hair, and many have blue or green eyes. They wear woad tattoos when in battle and live under Clan Chieftans, paying homage to their Druids that live as the Gods advise. Caels are not great sailors, though those living under Andredian rule have learned how to handle a ship well enough. Caels speak Caelic, though many speak Northern and even Wydarian. Name examples include (Male) Douglas and Seamus (Female) Agrona and Murron.[/indent] [center][h2]Burrowfolk[/h2][/center] [hider][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/2nW4pnr.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] The Burrowfolk, also known as Burrahobs, are a short race descended from fey creatures from Other World. Well known for their hearty appetites, green thumbs, and callused feet. Burrowfolk live in a province of Andred called 'Pumpkinhollow' south of the Blackwood. They're a curious people, though the safety of their home, and their fondness for the goods they make there keep many from traveling. Burrahobs oftentimes use mannish cursewords, but interchangely use made up phrases like 'Stinklehorks!' to show just how mad they are. Most Burrahobs that grow up outside of Pumpkinhollow don't have that proclivity, however. They tend to be a mere 3 feet tall and at most weigh 40 pounds. Burrahobs do have two special, inherent abilities however. One, many have the ability to grow larger for a short period of time, though it only increases their height by about 14 inches. The other is they have the ability to turn invisible for an extremely short amount of time, only for a minute or two. Both of these are thought to be defense mechanisms they developed back when they were not residing on this plane of existence. Burrowfolk speak Northern. Name examples include (Male) Dungi and Frollo (Female) Lily and Demi. [center][h2]Dwarves[/h2][/center] [hider][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Adlvr5X.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Known as the Daurgrim in their tongue, the Dwarves are the most ancient race on the planet and have the distinction of being one of the few native creatures. For 50,000 years, they have defended the planet against invasion of Giants, Dragons, and Demons, and even now keep a watchful eye over this place they call home. Dwarves are honorable, dour, grim, but steadfast. They tend to stand 4-4 1/2 feet tall, and weigh between 150-250 pounds, being dense and muscled. They are notable soldiers, warriors, traders, and of course craftsmen. Dwarves live to be around 500 years old, and they speak Northern, Drimgoth, and their own Dwarven language. Name examples include (Male) Drimbold and Morek (Female) Brynja and Hildur. [hider=Excerpt from The Book of Druzkul] [i]Hello and welcome, reader. If you're reading this, I believe I already know an inkling about who you are, for everyone who reads seeks to gain. Likely you're a student. Perhaps you're wanting to write a dissertation worthy of the university of Aldenhoff. Or perhaps I am wrong, and you're not a student. If you're not, there is a good chance you're looking for an adventure. An escape into fantastic tale filled with magic and riches. You're looking for gold and Dragons and Demons. You will get all in this work. But above all, you will learn of the Dwarves. The race of Dwarves is something we men like to think of as not only predictable, but perhaps bland. I tell you now I've never made a more mercurial work in all of my years as a scholar. They are a secretive people, and though the Norgardians (men whos traditions were strongly influenced by the Dwarves) have an oral tradition, the Dwarves themselves keep extensive records, despite their legendary memories. However, getting a hold of these records is another matter. This book is comprised of a few key primary sources, but much of its main body has been gained from secondary sources, oral anecdotes, and from bodies of other works as is my scholarly right. Now, let us begin. Dwarves, or the Daurgrim as they call themselves, have the incorrect distinction of being considered small. Dwarves are short, not small. In fact, a Dwarf is larger than a man, on average, when you consider their mass. Far broader than a man in stature, they have tough skin, thick bones, and some say they are incapable of being anything less than perfectionists in whatever craft they deem to pursue. One might give the claim they are built for labor, be it manual or fine. Small wonder they live in the mountains and the underways of the world, where they can shape their very environment to what they see fit. A cavern is almost a blank canvas to many a Dwarf, though that is not a completely apt comparison, for they still have respect for natural made caves and tunnels. Although, unless they are on an expedition or are apart of a small clan of Dwarves, most of the Dourfolk live in great underground cities called 'Thundrims' in their tongue. [/i] [/hider] [center][h2]Half Breeds[/h2][/center] [b]Skayleigh[/b]: [indent]Skayleigh are a strange people of both Elven and Giant descent. They stand 7 feet in height, with lithe and willow builds, but powerful limbs. Their skin is lightly tan, and they tend to be covered in green tattoos like leafed vines. Their predominate hair color is blonde, but some have brown or black hair. They have the special ability to 'Tree Walk' though that is an exaggeration. They have an innate ability to make an illusion that makes them look like a sapling for a limited amount of time. Skayleigh hail from the Caelic isles and live in small clans, worshiping sacred stones and large Hurgilm trees. They love to drink and feast, and though they tend not to fight among themselves they make fierce, powerful combatants with their maces and shields, or large axes. Their ears are pointed like an elf's and they're generally as attractive as their fellow fey as well. Skayleigh tend to live over 300 years and speak Wydarian. Name examples are the same as Caelic names.[/indent] [b]Half Elves[/b]: [indent]Half Elves tend to have traits of their Elven and Human parents. They live to be about 200 years old. They have no true homeland, though many live as travelers or under loose Elven rule.[/indent] [/hider] [center][h1]Old World Gods[/h1][/center] [hider][u][b]Solaris[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Gold and the Sun. Alchemists tend to give her reverence.[/indent] [u][b]Sulimo[/b][/u]: [indent]God of the Sun and Sky. Considered the Chief deity of Dre Costa and an aspect of the EverGod, though everywhere else just worships him as an important but lesser than supreme deity.[/indent] [u][b]Maleum[/b][/u]: [indent]Malevolent god of Curses and Shadow.[/indent] [u][b]Morimando[/b][/u]: [indent]More benevolent but grim deity of Shadows and Spirits.[/indent] [u][b]Nar'rog[/b][/u]: [indent]God of destruction. Some see him as a natural opposite to the Evergod, serving a purpose. However Orcs and violent cultists believe he will bring about the end of the world and they intend to help him.[/indent] [u][b]Boernegar[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Beasts and the Wilds. Many people of the forests call upon his aid to stay safe from the forest creatures.[/indent] [u][b]Galena[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Healing and Peace. One of the patron deities of Andred.[/indent] [u][b]Baelyr[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Justice and Flame. One of the patron deities of Andred.[/indent] [u][b]Gaundet[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Civilization and Defenses. Patron deity of guardsmen/watchmen.[/indent] [u][b]Zjarina[/b][/u]: [indent]The daughter of Gaundet and the Goddess of Magic and Creativity.[/indent] [u][b]Solomon[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Scholars.[/indent] [u][b]Fineki[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Trickery, Deceit, and Illusions.[/indent] [u][b]Seradwyn[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Fertility and Love.[/indent] [u][b]Cendarius[/b][/u]: [indent]God of the natural world itself.[/indent] [u][b]Alfrikr[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Magic, Wisdom, and War. Tends to be worshiped by Norgardians and Thaegars.[/indent] [u][b]Ulfric[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Wolves, Winter, and Battle. Tends to be worshiped by Norgardians and Thaegars.[/indent] [u][b]Rán[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of the Sea. Tends to be worshiped by Norgardians and Thaegars.[/indent] [u][b]Fjolgi[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Magic and Prophecy. Tends to be worshiped by Norgardians and Thaegars.[/indent] [center][h2]Dwarf Gods[/h2][/center] [u][b]Runar[/b][/u]: [indent]God of the forge and runes.[/indent] [u][b]Woegrim[/b][/u]: [indent]God of battle and vengeance.[/indent] [u][b]Magni[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Justice.[/indent] [u][b]Gaerim[/b][/u]: [indent]God of the resting dead.[/indent] [u][b]Hildegur[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Protection and Settlement.[/indent] [u][b]Shalleya[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Magic and Artistry.[/indent] [center][h2]Pantheon of Elves[/h2][/center] [u][b]Tholendor[/b][/u]: [indent]God of War.[/indent] [u][b]Falethorwen[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of the Forest, Hunters, and Archery.[/indent] [u][b]Odarion[/b][/u]: [indent]God of Art and Long Life.[/indent] [u][b]Nestariel[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of healing and peace.[/indent] [u][b]Vanadessë[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of beauty and light.[/indent] [u][b]The Banished Queen (Volduressë)[/b][/u]: [indent]Goddess of Dark Elves. She resides over traitors, chaos, blood, and war.[/indent] [/hider] [/hider]