Clearly my 'you's' don't stick around grin. I didn't have anything specifically in mind for the probing yet, but I like to challenge myself so I don't mind trying to do this. That said do you wish that some of the veil of the mystery is lifted? As for the argument. It is Arn. Eilis regards you with more trust then she does herself. If you tell her to jump into a tiger's enclosure she will, she won't be happy about it, but she will not be that hard to convince. She knows you want what is best for her...she doesn't have to like it though. I am planning for us to go travel and get sucked into the battlefield again (partially), of course the sisters will reoccur and depending on your choices and the way the story unfolds some characters may or may not make it. Don't be too afraid to make choices however, it's more fun that way. As for the second story arc take your time we're in no rush.