Karin looked at Alice with a neutral, unplussed face. The tanuki-woman readjusted her glasses which had slid down a bit along her nose, and replied indifferently to the werewolf's comment. [color=00a99d]"Well, if that's how you feel. These kinds of matters are always your own to decide on."[/color] The receptionist stated, which was probably just a nice way of saying: [i]Whatever, I don't really care.[/i] Once their little conversation had died down though, the sound of hopping hooves and perky papayas could be heard once more. In an instant, almost as if on cue, Brandy appeared yet again next to Alice. She had a different scrap of paper in her hand this time, and with no hesitation, she shoved said scrap of documentation in the litteral face of their receptionist. "Hey, hey! This one! What's this one? The lil' bunny-critter is 'totes cute in like, all the right ways! Do we get to walk this one too?" She, excitedly, inquired while leaning forward over the desk. [color=00a99d]".... No, Miss Vanillarin. That's a quest to exterminate a particularly pesky horned rabbit that's been causing trouble around the village lately."[/color] "... Ex... Termite... Wut?" [color=00a99d]"The job is to get rid off it. With force. Lethal force."[/color] "Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!? You want us to actually murderize this lil' cutie? But lookit'im! He's so fluffy and small and got the chubby cheeks and a unicorn-horn! Kariiiiin! Do we hafta?" Brandy pleaded, while looking like apuppy that had just been kicked. The receptionist sighed. [color=00a99d]"If you decide to take that quest, then yes. You'll have to make that little fuzz-ball into a new set of slippers, as per the client's request."[/color] "Wait... Hold up. I dunno how to make shoes... I... uh... I kinda don't use 'em. Ehehe..." [color=00a99d]"It was a metaphor, you don't actually need to make any kind of shoes from it."[/color] "Oh! Well, good! No, wait! It's still bad! I don't wanna splatter this guy! Can't we just like, chase him off or something? Scare him away, or lure him deeper into the forest?" [color=00a99d]"We already tried that, but the pest just keeps coming back. The client of this quest has had enough, and just wants to get rid off the little rodent once and for all."[/color] "Aaawwww.... Aliiiiiiice~ Back me up here, girl!" Brandy pleaded, now having turned to Alice, grabbing the werewolf's hands with both of her own and having the most pouty face you'd ever seen, and watery, moist eyes.