[hider=Cainneach Afrant] [hr][color=00a651][CENTER][h1] Cainneach Afrant[/h1][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center] [sub] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/841666925339607050/843937431882432512/63f0d6cd6b6b9952f3f66bef6f0ba8d4.png?width=457&height=676 [/img][/sub] [color=00a651][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][sub][b]Character Information[/b] [COLOR=SILVER] [b]Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] -Cainneach Afrant [/COLOR] [b]Gender[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Male[/COLOR] [b]Race[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Breton [/COLOR] [b]Age[/b][COLOR=#807B84] -25 , born 13th of Evening Star,[/COLOR] [b]Class[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Thief [/COLOR] [b]Birth Sign[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - The Thief[/COLOR] [/color][/sub][/indent] [center][color=00a651][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][SUB][b]Skills and Attributes[/b][/sub] [sup][color=silver][b]Major:[/b] [color=#807B84]Agility[/color] [b]Minor:[/b] [color=#807B84] Luck[/color] [b]Expert:[/b] [color=#807B84]Sneak, Lock Picking[/color] [b]Adept:[/b] [color=#807B84]Speech, Pickpocketing, [/color] [b]Apprentice:[/b] [color=#807B84]One handed, [/color] [/color][/SUP][/indent] [center][color=00a651][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center] [indent][SUB][b]Character Equipment[/b][/sub] [sup][color=silver][b]Weapons[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Daggers- Cainneach’s preferred weapon when he must fight. He keeps several hidden around his uniform all within reach at a moment's notice. [/COLOR] [b]Armour[/b] [color=807B84]Set of leather armor with the symbol of the thieves guild sueded on the inside of the hood.[/color] [b]Miscellaneous[/b] [color=807B84] Lockpicks Waterskin Deck of cards Rations for a few days [/color] [/color][/SUP][center][color=00a651][sup]____________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][/indent][/cell] [cell][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub] [color=#807B84][indent] Cainneach at first glance doesn't look much different from his fellow Breton male, save the large scar down the left side of his face. He stands at an average height, somewhere between 5’8 and 5’10. Along with the large scar under his eye, Cainneach’s face also sports a short well kept beard of lighter brown hair that hides a small portion of the skin on his face. Atop his head rests a messy mop of dark brown hair that while taken care of, rarely seems to always fall into its place perfectly. Unlike that of a warrior, Cainneach holds a build that holds little in the realm of strength and brute force. Rather he is built for dexterity and speed allowing him to easily maneuver through tight places and balance on precarious positions. Years of sneaking about and remaining undetected have resulted in not only this physical build but also in the way he walks. Not a foot is placed without his thought and consideration less he gives up his element of surprise on others. As for his clothing Cainneach stays in his armor most of the time, rarely taking it off. In the few times he does sport more common clothes he leans more towards simple clothes so as to not draw attention to himself. These clothes also often have some variant of green as either the main color or an accent. [/indent][/color] [sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub] [color=#807B84][indent] Unlike many that follow in Cainneachs profession, he himself is not a greedy man who desires to bathe in mounds of gold, though that would be nice. Rather Cainneach sees stealing as simply a way to support himself through the adventure called life. To him being a thief is no different from another job or profession that a person could pursue. If someone wants something done but doesn't have the skills to do it they get a professional to do it for them. Just as an adventurer orders a sword from a blacksmith or a caravan hires mercenaries, Cainneach is hired to ‘retrieve’ items for a new owner. At a deeper level this also explains Cainneachs view of the world and the people that call it home. That being that people will always do what is best for them and those around them when the time comes. This isn't a cynical view of the world or a belief that everyone is evil simply that people always do what they think is best and rationalize to themselves. Just a mercenary rationalizes killing a bandit because he was hired to protect a merchant. Though most don't share this unique view of the world leaving Cainneach rather at odds with most people comes in contact with, at least those that know of his profession. However, to those that are unprivay to his chosen career path, Cainneach is quite a warm and charming man who is quick to join in on the conversation or down a drink with a friend. After all, what is the point of working in life? You never live to enjoy it all. [/indent][/color][/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR] [sub][color=00a651]H I S T O R Y[/color][/sub] [color=#807B84][indent] Cainneach was born the only son to his two Bretons parents in the great city of Daggerfall. His mother was a simple woman who worked a small shop for most of her life, at least for as long as Cainneach could remember her. His father however had a far different life. His father was one of the higher-ranking members of the thieves guild that was based within the city's walls, which was where Cainneach spent much of his youth. Even at an early age, Cainneach showed great promise as a future member of the guild. Like a sponge, he absorbed everything not only his father taught him but also the other members as well. They taught him everything he would need to know from how to slip past a guard on duty, to picking the pocket of a person of interest and his favored skill lockpicking. And so Cainneach spent many of his days learning and practicing with the other guild members all of these skills, quickly surpassing even some of the actual members of the guild. This talent alone however did not mean he was a member as was his dream, that came only to those who were invited to take a test. Finally, though the day came around when he was finally old enough to try and prove his worth for the guild head. It was a simple enough mission, classic infiltrate, and steal some important item locked in a box in some old noble's house. Even from the start however Cainneach could feel something off, it was like the gnawing feeling in your stomach as if your body knows something bad was going to happen. But regardless he had a mission to complete and he was determined to finish it whatever the cost. With the moon high in the sky Cainneach slipped through the shadows approaching ever so closer to the target house. He saw the top window had been left open to allow for the evening breeze to blow out the hot air, a mistake that would cost the man a very expensive ring and would land Cainnneach his spot in the guild. But still, there was that lingering feeling deep in his gut that he couldn't explain. Regardless of that feeling, he had a job to do so like a cat he made his up and threw the window directly into the old man's room. Slowly moving with only the moonlight to guide him he could see the box in question resting atop a large desk with a random assortment of papers. Just as the lock was clicked open he felt a sharp point in his back, stopping him dead in his tracks. His mind began racing at how he was going to get out of this situation and how he could have awoken the old man. He had not made a sound and the lock wasn't that loud. But as his mind continued to race as the old man began to speak some nonsense about knowing he could trust the elves. But as he continued to rattle on suddenly the voice stopped as the knife hit the ground followed shortly after by a thud. Turing slowly trying his best not to pose a threat to who or whatever else was in the room he saw the old man now lifeless on the floor bleeding from a large cut across his throat. However more pressing was the women that now stood in front of him wearing all black armor which Cainneach immediately recognized as the mark of the assassins guild that also operated within the cities walls. He had heard about them only in passing between the other guildmates and his father. The little he did know was that they, as the name implied, specialized in killing targets, often political enemies, though feud between commoners could also be a cause, and that their two guilds were not on the best of terms. The exact reason was lost to him though he thought he had heard something about contracts getting stepped on by one side or the other. Lucky for him however this particular member seemed to not care about the feud if there really was one, instead choosing to look him intently in the eyes before slipping away and exiting through a window on the far side of the room. Thanking the nine for his luck Cainneach quickly grabbed the ring and left to return to the guild where he recounted the mission with the other members who all celebrated his acceptance into the guild proper. The next few years seemed to fly by as he began to make a name for himself within the guild as a dependable member. He seemed to be the spitting image of his father, both of which seemed capable of any job no matter the circumstances. This fame and streak of success however did not last forever and soon the guild went through rough times. Jobs began to get harder to complete, members were getting caught even on the easiest of missions. And as with anything when times become rough people begin to turn on one another. Lines were quickly drawn in the sand between the guild members as calls for new leadership began to be called. Cainneach did his best to keep his head low and just work on his craft but sadly one can only avoid the fight so long. By that point, the guild had shrunk to a near unrecognizable size with members leaving or not being so lucky as to be able to retire from the guild in time. Cainneachs father was one such member that was too late on his departure. The day his father was found dead in the guild's base was the last day Cainneach was a member of the guild. What became of the guild he doesn't know. Though he imagined that it either destroyed itself or was reduced to a joke of its former self. After the death of his father and the impending fall of the guild Cainneach fled the city both to find better work and of fear that he would be next on the hit list. His journeys eventually lead him to Cyrodiil, the center of the ever-crumbling empire, the perfect place for a man of his talents. The crumbling empire full of backstabbing nobles all looking for the slightest advantage over their opponent was the perfect breeding ground for thieves and the like. Unfortunately, however, by the time he reached the empire he had burned through the small amount of gold he could scrape together before fleeing Daggerfall leaving him rather broke and desperate which were never the mindset to be in when you accept a job. Still though that was easy to say when you had gold in your pocket and a place to sleep every night. And so against his better judgment and gut feeling Cainneach accepted the job from a noble within the region though his importance and power were unknown to him at the time. Cainneach would later be proven to be right about not accepting the job once he was backstabbed by the very man who employed him. The old weasel saw fit to kill two birds with one stone but using Cainneachs services. One of which was getting the document Cainneach was sent to grab and the next was offering the thief to the self-proclaimed ruler of the region. So there Cainneach sat beaten, bruised, and shackled in the back of the cart head to the nine knew where. Cainneach however never gave up as he examined the cart and his current situation always looking for even the slightest slip from one of the guards that would give him the ticket to escape. Lucky for him they had not checked him very thoroughly when they arrested him, allowing him to sneak in a lockpick with him that would easily pop the locking mechanism within the iron shackles. That was if and only if he had the time to work on the lock with one of the guards seeing and stopping him. After about 3 days on the road, Cainneach found his chance when the caravan became under attack by what he assumed would have been bandits. Mixed with the confusion and chaos of the sudden attack Cainneach made quick work of the old shackles that held him prisoner. Soon enough the shackles hit the floor as he leaped from the cart in a flash as he went for his personal belongings in the main cart. As he made his way to the cart he quickly grabbed his belongings with the hopes of leaving before he was caught by either the guards or the bandits, not wishing to become a prisoner yet again. As soon as his last dagger slipped into its place however he felt the breathing of a large figure behind that given the size of the shadow cast seemed to dwarf him. As it had turned out the ‘bandits’ that attacked were in fact the rebel fighters that Cainneach had heard of when he first came to the region. After some talking and discussion about his skills and how he ended up the poisons, he was currently in, along with his newfound disdain for the nobles of the region Cainneach agreed to join the bunch in their fight for freedom. This is where Cainneach can currently be found. Though not entirely trusted by everyone at the camp, Cainneach serves as an effective infiltrator and information gatherer for the group and works to help pay the debt he owes in their assistance in his escape. [/indent][/color][hr][hr] [/hider]