[hider=Augustillia] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aVdjQZf.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=ed1c24][h1]Augustillia[/h1][/color][/b][/center] [b][color=ed1c24]Government Form:[/color][/b] Absolute Monarchy [b][color=ed1c24]Demographics:[/color][/b] 99% Modified Human, 1% Pure Human [b][color=ed1c24]Population:[/color][/b] 3 Billion [b][color=ed1c24]Augustillian Humans[/color][/b] are the same as standard humans from modern Earth, albeit 99% of the population has been genetically modified by bioweapons deployed centuries ago. These modified peoples still look human, but their eye colors have begun to vary wildly, with orange, purple, red, white and yellow pupils being fairly common. Also, their hair colors are not as closely aligned to melanin, meaning dark skinned individuals can have fair colored hair, just as an albino could have dark colored hair. These modified humans do behave in a unorthodox manner as well, seemingly fearless and very obedient, albeit this may simply be due to culture rather than anything psychologically-altering...but its hard to tell. The remaining 1% of humans still harbor the same genetics as the original colonists, looking like normal humans with no modifications to speak of. They do not have any behavior-altering effects that the rest of the population suffers from and are as varied in personalities as one would expect. [b][color=ed1c24]Planet name and Description:[/color][/b] Vystrallia Vystrallia is a massive sphere of lush, green and unexplored forests, jungles, vast plains comparable to Africa, few deserts and with a few large continents surrounded by blue bodies of water. Its home to an overabundance of rapidly breeding wildlife, both incredibly dangerous and docile, while having fertile soil for agriculture. Trees can take years rather than decades to grow, while damage done to the environment is seemingly 'erased' over the span of years, as if forcing the world back into it's original untouched state. However, it is no paradise. Given a massive war that occurred three centuries ago, there lurks many artificial and deadly diseases, strange genetically-engineered monsters, huge robotic war machines idly wait in jungles while the remains of advanced and deadly technology remain beneath the corpses and ruins of the original colonies. The world's propagating wildlife hasn't helped in this regard- these diseases coming ever closer to being rediscovered, with wildlife carrying them edging along the Augustillian civilization. Meanwhile monstrous creatures have begun to spread out across various continents, propagating enough to be a problem for the human population for centuries to come. And, of course, the population itself isn't without its internal problems- wars between nobles, disputes over hunting territory and violent duels happen all the time. [b][color=ed1c24]History:[/color][/b] Vystrallia was originally colonized by one massive colony ship, enough to carry people from several different continents and a wide variety of technology, history, culture and arts. They had advanced technologies, capable weapons and a thorough understanding of both themselves and the sciences. None of which survived upon landing. Due to differences between people, a lack of resources post-crash, simple bloodlust or a vile tyrant, the first year on the planet quickly wiped out more than half of the people that were to originally colonize Vystrallia. Engaged in a brutal series of wars with some of the most advanced technology at their disposal, the colonists fought each other until nearly everything they had brought with them had been sabotaged, destroyed, used up or broken. In a situation best described as apocalyptic, the remaining human groups, traumatized by the fate fallen upon them, not only made peace...but swore off the use of the technology they brought with them. As people began to band together, the colonists recreated their society, basing it around whatever they found in the remaining historical texts. Latin inspired their language, Augustillia became their nation, the industrial revolution became their basis for their factories and workplaces while their warfare and tactics was inspired by the Napoleanic Wars and ancient warfare. Technology, no matter how advanced it [b]could[/b] be, would always be held back from becoming anything past the 20th century. No new inventions were allowed, no new practices, no new traditions, no new cultures, nothing was allowed to stray from their strict guidelines of what society [b]must[/b] be. The past, in the minds of the colonists, would never happen again. Now, three centuries later, Augustillia remains the same as before- with a catch. The nobility is made up of what remains of humans unaffected by the original colonist war. Meanwhile, the majority whom had their genetics altered one way or another make up the vast majority of people on the planet and, through many generations of indoctrination, have been made to be as loyal as possible to the nobility that control the planet. And, perhaps, technology was allowed to develop a [i]little[/i] bit, but only when absolutely needed...and if it helped the country expand further. Augustillia, in its strange makeshift society, continues to carry on. Flashy sci-fi technology merges with brick-layered houses, men armed with semi-automatic weapons line up in formations and fire in single volleys as if they were Prussian infantry. Massive cargo ships float alongside wooden frigates while submarines explore the depths of the oceans, with officers wearing fanciful uniforms straight from the Victorian era. Any time cities become too large, new territory is colonized. The middle class remains eternally small and minute, while the peasantry constantly toils away in farms and workers struggle in massive unsafe factories. To these people, everything is as it should be, its what it always will be, and nothing is [i]ever[/i] suppose to change. [i]...Except for the fact the king authorized the use of constructing massive space-fairing starships to colonize the stars. Also permits the usage of technology found in texts and blueprints from the original colony ship. May or may not have plans to build a space station.[/i] Alright, Some things might [i]just[/i] change. [b][color=ed1c24]Culture and Society:[/color][/b] Incredibly dated, to say the least. But very obsessed with being civilized. Albeit a merge of several different periods of history, primarily Western, such as ancient Rome, kingdoms during the Middle Ages, the British and French empires, as well as Prussia. The best place would be to start with who truly controls and affects society- the nobility. While the king dictates everything, the nobility are the ones who really make changes or earn and lose power. They have personal territories they control, from their own miniature countries to city-states, having their own personal armies and rules for how things should be run. One could even argue that their own personalities are shown in the armies they control or the cities they manage, easily able to make their own personal touches to things as they wish- what clothes people wear, how they produce things, how they speak their language and even what ethnicities are valued members of their society. In a way, one could see it as a strange feudalism, with nobles being dukes of their own personal fiefdoms, able create what they wish with ridiculous amounts of power. Essentially, a noble may do whatever they please...as long as tithes to the king are paid and mass genocide and death isn't spreading across the lands. Tithes are fairly simple as well, making sure Augustillia has enough resources to meet production quotas and food to feed their ever-growing burgeoning populace. When something truly goes wrong- a rebellious noble, a lack of vital resources or a lack of proper management, the most loyal nobles to the king will be sent to deal with the problem. Throughout history, this has proven to be successful...and lethal for those who've done wrong. Meanwhile, the peasantry and plebs are nothing more than slaves to their masters, yet, unlike history, are astoundingly loyal despite their conditions. Lives may vary from province to province, but peasants aren't gifted much influence in the grand scheme of things. They toil in fields, work in factories, form the rank-and-file soldiers and sailors while dying en masse whenever catastrophe strikes. Given their high birth rates and general lack of importance, they're considered expendable by all of nobility, with little care for when they die or when they suffer. Generally, the life expectancy is around 50 or 60 years of age, with those who have more comfortable lives (such as owning a successful private business) reaching around 80 or 100. Everything looks as you'd expect from human history...albeit with some strange sci-fi flair. LED lights, fanciful skintight armor and even a few metallic structures here and there. Also it being a bunch of different histories slammed together- people in medieval clothes walking alongside automobiles, or ancient roman Mediterranean civilization architecture recently built alongside apartment buildings. [b][color=ed1c24]Religion:[/color][/b] The [i]Great Colonia[/i] is a revered and sacred place of Augustillia. While the original colony ship no longer exists- both due to war and the monarchy's insistence on keeping advanced technology hidden -the original landing zone is still a place frequently visited by the more spiritual and religious. Located in a sparsely populated rural area sits a great hill with a massive monument extending high into the sky, one of stone and concrete. It has many images at the base of it, crudely made but depicting important events- the landing of the colony ship, the horrific wars, the peace made between survivors and founding of the first Augustillian cities. There is no official church, but many temples and sacred grounds exist with preachers who act as both prophets of their faith and historians teaching about past events and why technological advancement is forbidden. Sometimes peasants will congregate around large alters in tamed forests, sacrificing captured animals or chanting to the sky about the [i]Great Colonia[/i] and the war that destroyed it. Others engage in wrestling and fighting, with the most physically fit of men attacking each other in what is believed to be reenactments of past battles fought by the original colonists. Others engage in dance, music, or placing prized possessions at these alters, as if showing respect to the deceased. These rituals, while sometimes violent or considered strange by nobility, are left alone by the government. --- [b][color=ed1c24]Governance and Politics:[/color][/b] An Absolute Monarchy, Augustillia places complete control in it's king who, in turn, places control of provinces and territories in the hand of nobility. Both nobility and kingship is determined by heritage, with anyone who has altered genetics unable to achieve any sort of power or rank in the government. All nobles (and inhabitants in general) answer to the king. The position of king is a difficult one- trying to keep the nobility together, forcing them to fear or respect the monarchy, making sure resources are being placed where they need to be and new farms are being built, all while trying to keep the past hidden from the populace and technology in a primitive state. Nonetheless the one and absolute monarch maintains Augustillia alone, or so they say, much to the chagrin of some aspiring nobles who do much of the finer paperwork. [b][color=ed1c24]Technology Overview:[/color][/b] It has been tradition to keep an absolute firm grip on technological progress- but, recent generations of leaders have given some leeway, allowing some inventions to be used as long as they were developed by the original colonists...and aren't too dangerous. Some nobles even utilize age-extending drugs or advanced medicine, but, much of this is kept secret and refrained from being talked about publicly, as not to cause any controversy. Due to this, much of the technology Augustillia has is heavily reliant on manpower. Everything has to be hand made, refrained from robotics, AI or assembly lines. The most advanced technology you'll see is from the 20th century, particularly the earlier parts of it. [b][color=ed1c24]Military Overview:[/color][/b] Perhaps the pride and joy of the Augustillian society- ironically -would be the militarism. Despite the fear inspired by original colonist war, it wouldn't be long before differences between descendants would bubble over into open warfare. However, wars are refrained from being all-or-nothing wars of attrition and instead take a very gentlemanly approach. Line infantry march against each other, firing in single volleys with incredible discipline. Nobility watch from afar while their personal regiments of soldiers, dressed in whatever uniforms they see fit, fight each other in open fields. Even the simplest argument can be turned into an armed conflict, with the lives of their men treated as nothing more than mere toy soldiers. Despite having semi-automatic weaponry at their side, soldiers are trained to use them as muskets, firing only in volleys and when ordered to. Artillery, despite being incredibly long ranged, capable of firing often and more similar to a howitzer than a cannon, is still treated as a cannon- firing at shorter ranged and only at certain targets. Grenades, despite their existence, are only used by grenadier regiments. Automatic weapons exist, but seldom ever utilized as being seen as "ungentlemanly" and disruptive to the overall strict rules set out by the nobility. Anti-tank rifles and grenade launchers exist and have been made, but seemingly have been ignored throughout the planet's history. There are strict codes of conduct as well- urban warfare is forbidden given the importance of cities, close combat is fought only when out of ammo or if necessary, civilians are not to be shot nor brought into conflict, prisoners of war are to be respected and nobility are refrained from being prisoners or shot. Given all the rules and regulations, it isn't uncommon for peasants to follow armies around if possible, watching them fight each other safely, seeing who survives...and more importantly to the nobles, wins! Despite this incredibly organized nature, these codes of conduct and tactics are prepared to be abandoned in the worst case scenarios- or, in other words, [i]if they ever encounter another civilization other then their own.[/i] Semi-automatic weapons could be used to full affect, automatic weapons deployed, bazookas and anti-tank rifles added to the arsenal...but Augustillia has had no reason to do so. One can only imagine how inexperienced and incompetent they would be. Perhaps the most striking thing about Augustillians would be their fearlessness and loyalty however, seemingly unaffected psychologically by battlefield conditions and fighting down to the last man when ordered to. While the peasantry thankfully propagates at ridiculously high rates and keeps armies high with manpower, no battle is every walked away from without a couple hundred casualties thanks to this fearlessness. It also means there is a sizable amount of regiments composed entirely of veterans and having extensive histories to their name. [b][color=ed1c24]Ships and Vehicles:[/color][/b] Officially, advanced technology does not exist and isn't used at all. Unofficially, the gigantic warehouse with hover technology floating around and following armies around with everything needed to keep an army supplied isn't against the rules at all. As hypocritical as the monarchy is, ships and more advanced vehicles exist and for good reasons, making sure incase anything horrific happens, the people would be ready. There have been tanks developed, jet planes, even blueprints for massive vessels that work as part battleship, part boarding craft and part colony ship. These can be made given enough time, but given the serene little cycle of life Augustillia has developed, its hasn't come to mind. As of late, one large vessel is being constructed for space exploration, but much of this is kept hush-hush until its finished and if to see if it works. --- [b][color=ed1c24]Additional Info[/color][/b] -There is an extensive hunting and exploration society/guild. Nobles often take armed peasants out on hunting trips to claim valuable hides from various wildlife that exists. However, given how dangerous the wildlife is, it isn't uncommon for a lot of people to die on these expeditions. -Its also common for aspiring nobles to create their own miniature fiefdoms through colonization, often taking a bunch of people and finding the most dangerous land possible to create their own self-sustaining territories separated from more powerful nobles. -Due to the organized nature of Augustillian society, crime rates are practically non-existent...Then again, someone from the government coming in and burning down a village isn't considered a crime, just a border dispute. [/hider]