Jocasta smiled a practiced professional smile and was about to open her mouth when an alarm began to blink in the optics being projected into her eyes. She twitched her right eye, remoting in the view from the alarms source, one of three small drones she had deployed to provide aerial cover of the settlement and its environs. "Six skimmers are approaching at high speed from the south east," Jocasta supplied a few moments before the whine of overheating engines whined up out of the hot desert air. "Its the rest of Chalnarc's gang, probably coming to help... rather too late for him I suppose, but I doubt it will stop them from killing us," she reported as she picked up Chalnarc's legs and shoved them into the back of the transport with practiced efficiency. "I have a Valkyrie attack boat hidden in one of the arroyos three clicks south, which means reaching it probably means fancy flying, or shooting, or both."