[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jvJ31KK.png?1[/img][hr][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b9677aae294ea4ab260a5837e1106ad3/tumblr_pokngjcYQr1tlgqkgo3_400.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][@Trainerblue192][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b] May 17th, 2021[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][center][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Skrull Prison Ship[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Anelle hesitated, before leaving the bridge with Flynn and Maria. She had never really been trained in how to fight, although she had observed the Royal Guard training prior to her exiled status. It had given her somewhat of a fascination with warriors, one of the things that had appealed to her about her beloved, Mar-Vell. Mar-Vell was a fierce warrior, a keen scientist, and a pure heart. She had compassion in a war where none was to be found. "I haven't had any instruction in combat," Anelle admitted. "I was largely raised to be a socialite, someone who could be married by a warrior or prince so that way the empire would continue to prosper. As of such, most of my education concerned how to be ladylike... nothing in the way of combat."[hr][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b] May 18th, 2021[/b][/color][/h3][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Clint Barton's Homestead - Missouri: 10:00 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] [color=d86615]"If it was a demon, he'll know,"[/color] Raynor told Niah with a shrug. [color=d86615]"I'm not an expert on Earthly devils and whatnot. And if it wasn't a demon that did that to you, well - Strange'll be able to figure it out."[/color] He was comfortable with the idea that Jakobsen and Strange were the experts to reach out to here. He didn't believe that he knew everything. Bonnie, however, was feeling anxious. She didn't know how fast Niah's [i]condition[/i] would spread throughout her body. Niah had already lost one leg - she didn't need to have more limbs amputated in a futile attempt to save her life. And she refused to let Niah die. Niah was too young for that. She'd sooner upload Niah's consciousness into a computer than let her die. Her thoughts flickered towards the Framework. That would be one potential solution. It didn't help that they had little idea on how long it would be until Jakobsen got back. Bonnie was pacing back and forth nervously. She wanted something controllable to deal with for once - rather than their usual nonsense, never-ending chaos that spiraled more and more out of control the more they attempted to fix things. They didn't just have a superhuman war to deal with - there was an alien invasion. And on top of the alien invasion, people were missing. And on top of that, Niah was [i]dying[/i] and there wasn't anything she could do but sit and wait. "What about Kirby as a name? Kirby's cute. Works for a boy or a girl," Spider-Man suggested. Raynor gagged at the thought. The only [i]Kirby[/i] he knew was a weird pink little cartoon character. And he didn't even know much about the character, except that little kids on Midgard seemed to be absolutely obsessed with it. [color=d86615]"Kirby? Seriously? Were you born stupid?"[/color] he snapped at Spider-Man, more concerned now about name ideas rather than Niah potentially dying. They weren't that close. "No, but I can tell you were," Spider-Man taunted. [color=f6989d]"Seriously you two?"[/color] Bonnie snapped. [color=f6989d]"Get out, both of you, now."[/color] "But-" [color=f6989d]"Now!"[/color] Raynor stared at Bonnie. She stared back at him. He huffed. Raynor and Spider-Man then left the quinjet, both of them grumbling under their breath. [color=f6989d]"Men sometimes..."[/color] Bonnie said, shaking her head.[hr] The other heroes were off in the quinjet, so the only person still in the house at the moment was Hawkeye's wife, Laura. Laura raised an eyebrow, staring at the towels Oliver had set out and the yowling cats who kept on producing eggs. "I'm guessing this was part of the plan?" Laura asked hesitantly. While her husband was a superhero, she didn't ask him too many questions about work - they tried to keep his work life relatively separate from his personal life. [hr][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]The (Horribly Named) Robert E. Lee Animal Shelter - Missouri: 10:00 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr] Mar-Vell smiled slightly at Matt. She liked seeing people who took an interest in things they didn't understand - it was a quality that she prized highly. "I'd be happy to answer them," she told him. "Although perhaps once we've gotten them all back to Barton's home," she then added. She glanced at Evelyn, hearing her question. "You would likely bleed. The claws aren't the problem - it's the tentacles. And the limitless stomach." ZuZu tilted his head sideways at Goose, before purring and rubbing up against Goose's face. Clearly, ZuZu liked Goose and would most likely cooperate. T'Challa picked up an egg with care, examining it. "They do not appear to be too fragile," he said. He let Oliver take the egg from him, a bit curious about the man's abilities. He didn't know too many who were graced with superhuman speed. T'Challa made it his business to keep up with the various superheroes active in the world and the first one who came to mind was Northstar, the Canadian speedster. He watched closely as Oliver took off, before looking at ZuZu. T'Challa walked forward, scooping up the pet. "Let us see about adopting you, little one," he said, before heading out to reception with the cat. ZuZu seemed to really like T'Challa. [color=FFB795]"Sooo... Guess we're heading off then, yeah? Since Cap is looking for Barton and his kiddos and T'Challa has the cat,"[/color] Amelia surmised, before heading out after T'Challa. T'Challa was talking to a rather plain looking lady at the reception desk, quickly filling out some forms to legalize ZuZu's adoption. Meanwhile, Barton and Cap were petting a shaggy looking brown dog that his kids had clearly picked out. [color=FFB795]"Awww, puppy!"[/color] Amelia squealed. [hider=Skrull Testing]Everyone was cleared over the timeskip. Hooray! ... Except for Nick Fury. He has only been cleared by Goose. [/hider]