[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 5: 30/50 Location: Weird Big Tower Thing Word Count: 594 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 31/50 [/center] Sakura scratched her head as she listened to Junior's explanation of his portal magic. [color=f49ac2]"Iconic?"[/color] She offered as he struggled to find the right word. It didn't really make much sense to her, but, it was magic. It probably had a bunch of weird, bizarre limitations like that. Both of the Abyssals didn't want to be a burden, which Sakura had forgotten to consider. Bella especially wanted to be helpful. Which, Sakura understood. When Ryu was in danger she threw herself into the fray regardless of what would happen. Now she knew how the others felt when she did stupid stuff like that. But, then again, Bella and Rika weren't being stupid. Sakura just didn't want them to get hurt because, well, they couldn't walk. [color=f49ac2]"Shrinking..? I dunno. I watched a movie about that one time, and it didn't go well. Maybe there's another way?"[/color] Bowser offered a very interesting idea. It wasn't exactly what she had in mind, though. [color=f49ac2]"Well. I guess it's not impossible, but...I mean, I don't know how to sail. Does anyone know how to sail a ship that big? What if it requires, like, human souls as coal or something? It's super duper evil."[/color] Sakura watched the Tubemen waddle up the plank. [color=f49ac2]"Poor little guys..."[/color] Kamek and Bowser had a back and forth that made Sakura giggle. [color=f49ac2]"It's okay, Mister Bowser. We all get an appetite sometimes."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"And getting on the Atomos and flying over for a very long time- I know that was my idea. But I agree with Miss Nadia. If all we had to do was fly over the storm, then the Master of Masters lady would have just said so. Plus, that's putting, uh, all of our eggs in one basket. If anything goes wrong, we'll all be in a giant metal box that'll plummet into the sea like a rock."[/color] She shook her head, grimacing. [color=f49ac2]"No thanks."[/color] Bella figured out the solution to her problem. She would merge with some spirits. Over time Sakura come around on the entire concept, even if it made people look weird. That wasn't a problem for Bella though! If anything, it just made her look cooler. [color=f49ac2]"[i]Sugoi![/i] How do you feel?"[/color] She asked Bella, jogging to her side. Geralt offered his thoughts, and so did Link and Frog. It looked like the two plans were either taking on the lab, or taking on the Maw. Nobody wanted to ride on Shippy anymore, it seemed, which was good. The sea water was going to get ridiculous and poor Shippy would probably be capsized. [color=f49ac2]"I think Shippy's earned a vacation. She should re-unite with Mister Brineybeard."[/color] Sakura said. Despite the fact that the boat could talk now, Sakura kept thinking of her as a pet. She was a vehicle, wasn't she? If she had a captain she probably often didn't want to have much of a say on where she went. [color=f49ac2]"Well. Either we go down there and beat up some mad scientist, or we go on the Maw and stop it from eating people. Both are pretty heroic things to do and also help us on our goal of getting to the area boss. We really don't know what to expect from either one. That's just how it goes, though. Wouldn't be an adventure without some risks! If all of us wanted to play it safe we would have just stayed home, huh?"[/color] Sakura said, smiling anxiously.[color=f49ac2] "As long as we stick together, we'll make it work."[/color] [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 10/10 Word Count: 482 Location: Museum Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 01/20[/center] Jesse Faden didn't notice or care that she was the only one with an uncovered face, but her overall aesthetic definitely clashed with the rest of the colorful, masked group. Skull noted it would be appropriate to cut loose, which was good. At the very least if the shooting did start, her Tool Gun would make non-lethal takedowns exceptionally easy. Just inflate their hands or their arms or whatever- it didn't matter. But the high caliber bullet-less bullets of her Service Weapon would always be more effective. It seemed Joker wanted to take the silent approach. There were shadowy guards that were familiar in a way to Jesse, and also these weird colorful, very angry demons. The art was actually pretty nice, so it was too bad there was no one inside capable of even looking at it. Their task remained clear- search and rescue. Joker's stealth was aided by super natural ability, which was good, because otherwise he would have gotten caught. But even that ability couldn't save him as he pulled metal against concrete. Only after making a huge noise did he pause to consider the capabilities of Jesse's Tool Gun, which she had already drawn. The Director frowned. Bypassing the vent would be pointless, as now they were under attack by a multitude of monsters. No time to escape without getting pursued. Even the guards transformed into a pair of hostile creatures. Instinctually, Jesse strafed to the side, drawing her sleek Service Weapon from the Astral Plane. It vanished just as quickly as she reached out with her right hand to one of the couches the oni had been sitting on. With a great amount of speed it surged towards Jesse, right through the oni, in prime position to knock their top-heavy forms to the ground. For a brief moment the Director paused as the couch floated next to her. "Here we go." She said, a small smile on her face as her most useful power made its return. Then she pushed her hand forward and the couch slammed into the oni. Two hits for the price of one- drawing the couch in didn't take Energy, only throwing it out. Once that was settled the Service Weapon was out. Jesse held its handle in both hands and put the Tantroni in her sights. Semi-automatic pistol fire rang out as she pulled the trigger. No casing or shells were discarded from the Service Weapon, and no physical bullets were fired. Only lethal streaks of light that carved through flesh and concrete with more effeciency than any firearm on her Earth. The noise and the recoil would certainly fool someone who wasn't looking close, though. Jesse was a mobile gunfighter, continually moving to the left at a brisk pace away from the others. She drilled into the big, colorful targets with her effecient handgun after smacking them twice with a couch.