[hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6][b][u]Sanzhar Kravchenko[/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [b]San Francisco, California[/b] [quote]Am I busy? He wondered before responding. "Not terribly, do you want to meet at the cafe down the road from the clinic?" At the very least, the company would keep him from idling there much longer. He took one last long swig of the coffee before sending out another text. "I've been bored out of my mind over here."[/quote] Sanzhar quickly texted back, his thumbs tapping at the keyboard of his phone like in a blur. He almost never took more than a minute to reply to text messages, which has been noted by his publisher to have made it easy for him to be worked with. Plus he was absolutely patient and methodical with everything else he did. [color=6ecff6][i]"Good, good, I'm on my way. See you friend."[/i][/color] As Sanzhar walked towards their supposed meeting place, he reminisced the older days with Devan and the others. They went to the same high school, and had been the source of some trouble back then. Funny how time seemed to pass so quickly these days. Natural disasters, superpowers... what else...? Ah, right. He gained his own metal manipulation abilities after being afflicted by the Energy Plague. His brother Alek didn't manifest anything weird, but a common denominator of people that got powers were that they were of minorities, and had been down with the plague as well. Devan was Latino and had the plague too... maybe he has something... With certain personalities trying to restrict their freedom, it was high time Sanzhar looked for others like him. Birds of the same feather flock together, after all. [hr] After a few good minutes, Sanzhar arrived in the cafe, just to find Devan already there with his own cup of coffee. [color=6ecff6]"Man, you really couldn't wait, huh?"[/color] Sanzhar chuckled, stooping down a little bit to give him a short hug. [color=6ecff6]"Okay, I'll get my own coffee and a donut first. Gimme a minute."[/color] Walking up to the barista, Sanzhar pulled out a few dollars. [color=6ecff6]"Frappe cappuccino please. And one of those glazed donuts..."[/color] With that done, Sanzhar got back to their table, setting his tray of orders. First thing he noticed were the bandages around Devan's hands. Weird. He didn't have those before. [color=6ecff6]"What's with the bandages?"[/color] Sanzhar asked, sipping from his cup with a straw. [color=6ecff6]'What happened?"[/color]