[hr] [hr] [center]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olVw0KKS_DQ [i]"By the late 1800s, the Wild West was slowly being tamed. Lawmen were stamping out gangs all across the country, and order and civilization soon took hold of the once rugged frontier of America. Long gone would be the days of gunslingers and robberies. However, while the rest of the west turned towards the comforts of modern society, there were those who refused to let go of the old ways. Soon, news would spread of a band of outlaws, cutthroats and miscreants. Their nefarious deeds would be heard of all across the American frontier, and every lawman and Pinkerton would be out to stop them. Who were they, you ask? Well...how 'bout you pour me some whiskey, friend, and I'll tell you a tale you ain't ever heard. Because while every man threw down his gun and accepted the yoke of law and order, these fellers...they were..."[/i] [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cPoCIs7DUo0/XMgKq2JYExI/AAAAAAAAeK8/dN9lNiJjDSQ3XMHC7GFQ0jM8fwWsYHJXwCLcBGAs/s1600/7-a-dash-for-the-timber-frederic-remington.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210524/b8e700c809a42c19352e44bd25506e14.png[/img] [hr][/center] Well howdy y'all and welcome to OUTLAWS TIL THE END, a wild west RP heavily inspired by Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2, as well as famous western movies like Unforgiven, 3:10 to Yuma, The Hateful Eight, True Grit, etc. This is the story of one of the last outlaw gangs remaining during the late 1800s, specifically 1886. Led by the notorious gunslinger Elijah Rainwater and his lover, ex saloon girl Claudia McCullen, the McCullen-Rainwater Gang terrorized the west with a slew of crimes, including bank robberies, train robberies, holding up stage coaches, and of course several brutal murders of lawmen. Each member has a high bounty on their heads, and every bounty hunter and lawman from Dodge City all the way to Mexico, wants a piece of them, as well as the Pinkerton Agency. Even so, the gang continues their crime spree and won't stop until either they're laying six feet in the ground or in chains. Now that our little introduction is out of the way, I bet you're just eager to jump in, ain't you? Well HOLD YOUR HORSES THERE, HOSS! There's still some rules to lay down. [center][img]https://www.jwatsonfineart.com/thomas/images/battleofingalls.jpg[/img][/center] [center] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210524/5e5b80ee2ace1535417bb1f46db428ec.png[/img] [hr][/center] More or less, just the basic RP rules: -All players must first apply by posting a CS in the character tab before posting IC -Since this is a low-mid Casual RP, one liners will NOT be accepted. However, a paragraph or two is acceptable. -No fighting in the OOC -No overpowered or immortal characters. -No killing other players' characters without the player's consent to do so. Also be sure to notify the GMs of such events. -Romance is allowed, even encouraged, but keep it tasteful and PG-13 for the thread. Anything past that, you take it to the PMs. -In order to keep from leaving people behind, wait about three or four posts after yours before posting again. -The GM is a very busy person during the week and is usually on later during the night. However, they are off on Sunday and Monday, depending on their proclivities. Therefore, whoever wishes to be a CO-GM, feel free to nominate yourself. -Feel free to drop out anytime if you need to or just lose interest. It happens. Just make sure you let me or the CO-GM know via thread or PM. Okay, now that the pesky rules are out of the way, let's get down to the action! [hr] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ef/a9/b3/efa9b3c996042b5e6bbf1f054d0a5795.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210524/53ba782a088b3958ea5d22c5719a3583.png[/img][hr] [hider=Main Locations][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/XwMOBMJQkqo/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] (The "I was too lazy to make a map so I stole one off the interwebs" map...ehehe..) Welcome to the frontier state of [b]New Hanlon[/b], a diverse and dangerous landscape. Here, you will find riches aplenty, but also those who are wishing to obtain those riches for themselves: Crooked politicians, greedy industry barons, and ruthless outlaw gangs. This land was once wild and free, but it is now slowly succumbing to the iron grip of industry and civilization. In the midst of it all is a large city called Bronze City, a shining beacon of high society to some, but to others, it's an eyesore. A reminder of the dwindling spirit of the Old West. However, despite the attempts to civilize this savage land and its inhabitants, there are still areas that remain untamed and untouched: [u][b][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/da/d6/1b/dad61b8cc9976ea9addd3f8c85edf5a8.jpg]The Great Plains[/url][/b][/u] The Great Plains are a vast, open landscape of rolling hills, rocky outcrops, scattered buttes, and verdant meadows located just south of Bronze City. Here, the weather is fairly warm with mild temperatures, and the occasional rainfall keeps everything nice and green and plentiful. Because of this, the Great Plains region of New Hanlon is an epicenter for the state's agriculture, including farming and cattle ranching. Numerous farms and ranches dot the landscape, as well as a few homesteads. Located in the Great Plains as well is the relatively large [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cattle_towns]cattle town[/url] of McKinley, famous for its saloon and its colorful residents. However, despite its peaceful appearance, all is not well here in the plains. The Native American tribes are angry towards white settlers for taking their land and killing their buffalo. On occasion, they will sometimes be bold enough to raid a homestead or two. [u][b][url=https://i.redd.it/h5gr2avvama21.jpg]Windmill Camp[/url][/b][/u] Windmill Camp, named for the [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/00/2c/8f/002c8f400b64ef10085645243de22e49--windmill-hill-under-the-stars.jpg]old windmill[/url] that stands on the edge of the place, serves as the hideout/camping spot of the McCullen-Rainwater Gang. Secluded in a thick forest south of the Mines region, the camp sits on a wide peninsula protruding from the mainland into the Tallahatchie Lake (not on map) and overlooks a small bay. Due to its remote location, it is the perfect place for outlaws to hide out...at least for now. [u][b][url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7d462bf9-74df-4fc2-a16a-43b22e9cbf14/ddnxv9a-9a6f8004-0c4d-413c-bc74-7ca481384a69.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzdkNDYyYmY5LTc0ZGYtNGZjMi1hMTZhLTQzYjIyZTljYmYxNFwvZGRueHY5YS05YTZmODAwNC0wYzRkLTQxM2MtYmM3NC03Y2E0ODEzODRhNjkucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.-ohhj0A4HpBmMwy4i1x2xHrc6f7HTm_8ysU31KyqrEQ]Bronze City[/url][/b][/u] Bronze City is a large, heavily industrialized city smack dab in the middle of New Hanlon. It contains many factories with towering smokestacks, and the skies above it are dark with thick clouds of smog. According to most, the city represents either everything right or wrong about civilization and the modern way of life. Bronze City is home to some of the wealthiest men and women in the state, and it shows with their lavish mansions dotting the city, as well as a plethora of businesses, restaurants, saloons, and theaters. However, not all is extravagant and luxurious in Bronze City. Despite being home to the wealthy and elite, parts of the city are dirty and rundown, riddled with disease, rodents, and an abundance of crime. It is no secret as well the city is owned by a notorious crime lord and his family. [u][b][url=https://i.redd.it/faskg981ns541.jpg]Pinewood Hills[/url][/b][/u] The Pinewood Hills region, located far to the north of New Hanlon and just south of the Knifepoint Mountains (not shown on map), is aptly named, as there is a sheer abundance of towering pine trees all over this area, making it yet another perfect spot for outlaws to hide out/camp. However, due to the yearly cold, often bone chilling temperatures, and the abundant number of wolves and grizzly bears in this region, it might not be advisable to camp here at all. Furthermore, this region sees heavy snowfall in the wintertime that doesn't thaw until late spring. That said, there are quite a few deer and elk that roam this region, making it ideal for anyone who wants to go hunting. Nearby, bordering the region, is the Algonquin River, which is always teeming with wild salmon to catch. [u][b][url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/reddeadredemption/images/b/b8/0_0_%2899%29.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200404231117]The Mines[/url][/b][/u] The Mines region is a small, rural patch of land that borders Bronze City to the east and Windmill Camp to the south. Originally, it was once a huge mining complex started by gold miners from California, but the land has since dried up of all its minerals and is now left barren and empty...or is it? Rumors have spread across the state that the underground tunnels and caves of the mine now serve as the hideout for another outlaw gang notorious for robbing trains in the dead of night. [u][b][url=https://d1lss44hh2trtw.cloudfront.net/assets/article/2016/03/22/red-dead-redemption-2-leak%20(2)_1200x500.jpg]Raider Canyons[/url][/b][/u] North of Bronze City, the Raider Canyons region is a dry, arid land characterized by steep red rock canyons, ridges, and mesas and sunbaked deserts teeming with cacti and low lying plants. More or less, it is what everyone pictures when they imagine the Wild West. Danger is hidden behind every rock, as there are quite a few venomous scorpions and rattlesnakes in this region. Also, the region is home to some of the shadiest characters in the west. Outlaws, bandits, and women of ill repute can be found flocking the few small towns and settlements that dot this dry desert, mostly in the small town of Agua Dulce, which is notorious for its high murder rate. [u][b][url=https://reddead.umwblogs.org/files/2011/03/fort-mercer.jpg]Prison Camp[/url][/b][/u] The Prison Camp region is home to Fort Stockton, a penitentiary for some of the worst criminals ever in New Hanlon. Here is housed some of the deadliest men and women in the state, all awaiting the day they earn their freedom or hang from the gallows. The prison is heavily guarded, and all guards are ordered to shoot anyone who comes near the place. Furthermore, due to the flat, treeless landscape surrounding Fort Stockton, it would be nearly impossible to evade the law if one managed to escape. [u][b][url=https://i.redd.it/263zoi19ynb21.jpg]Tribal Forest[/url][/b][/u] West of Bronze City is the Tribal Forest region. Despite being called a forest, due to the thick growth of hardwood trees and mangroves around the area, it is actually a dense, swampy area characterized by hot, humid weather, wet, muddy terrain, quicksand bogs, Spanish moss, and deep bayous teeming with snakes and alligators. Despite this, pockets of civilization in the region continue to thrive. In the northernmost and driest part of the region, there's a small town named Saint LaCroix, which has a general store, a saloon, a bank, and a train station, as well as a few other buildings. Some of the wealthiest citizens of the region live on vast plantations that grow cotton and tobacco, while others make a living fishing in the bayous or doing illegal work, like making moonshine. The Tribal Forest region is not without its history or troubles either. The region got its name from the Native Americans who originally lived here before being wiped out entirely by settlers. During the Civil War, it was the site of many bloody battles, remnants of forts and canons can be found scattered in some areas, and quite a few of the citizens still hold a grudge against the North. There's even been rumors of a group of men, old Confederate soldiers living out in the swamps, who have formed a militia in hopes of bringing back the Old South. [u][b][url=https://external-preview.redd.it/WyyCw_D_IydP093QDcXIMVLGmBgjorFT3ak7u1HWwA4.jpg?auto=webp&s=34eb3ad82fe5a82b146424e963bf543a7cdbbb85]Hunting Cabin[/url][/b][/u] It's a hunting cabin. Nothing special about it, other than its long been abandoned by the original owners and it's located in an area rumored to be inhabited by hostile Indians and inbred mountain folk. That said, there is a clear abundance of large game in the area, including bull elk, whitetail deer, and moose.[/hider][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://cdn.segmentnext.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2-6.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210524/0cd093a0bfc77c7f8e1ff73d95852aa7.png[/img] [hr] [hider=The Character Sheet] -Image- (no anime, realistic photos preferred, drawings or other images are acceptable as long as they are not anime.) Personal Quote: (Something you'd like to say.) Name: (What's your name? Do you even have one?) Gender: (Male or Female?) Race: (Caucasian, Hispanic, African-American, Asian, Mixed) Nationality: (American, French, Irish, German, Mexican, Etc. within reason) Age: (Age ranges from 18+, no lower than that) Occupation: (What did you do before?) Faction: (Are you part of the gang? Or are you part of a rival gang? A Lawman perhaps? Maybe a Pinkerton?) Family: (Who was your family? What did they do? Are they still alive or dead?) Horse: (The name of your favorite horse and an image) Equipment: (Guns (period accurate of course), tools, whatever you may need or carry on you) Skills: (What are some things you're good at?) Personality: (How are you often around others? Describe yourself in four distinct traits.) Likes/Dislikes: (What are some things you like and things you don't like?) Backstory (optional): (What was your life like growing up? How did you become what you are now?) [/hider] [/center]