[h1]Gou[/h1][hr][sub][@Gentlemanvaultboy][/sub] Gou was busy staring in awe at the flat piece of metal Luna pointed at the running teenagers. The tiny thing captured the scene before them in real-time, and he was just about to praise the idea until he realized something was amiss. Behind the kids were two… he struggled to find the right words. Desserts? Men? Whatever they were, they brought with them a scent so delightfully sweet that the disciple almost began to salivate without realizing it. [color=00aeef]“Keep going kids. We’ve got this.”[/color] It was a funny thing, seeing people run for their lives on one side, while his elder martial sister filmed so calmly on the other. He wanted to laugh, but then the scent grew even stronger-- this time, it irked him to a point he could not describe. Last week he drank a slush, and that had been enough to drive him crazy to the point of exhaustion for a while. Thank the Nine Heavens for Luna's couch-bed at that time. But this? This was too much. Sweet things are truly nice and all, but only in moderation, as he’d been taught all his life. This was straight-up disgusting! Luna kept her cool. Perhaps such delicacies were normal in this city, save for the ones attempting to murder the two kids currently running with all they had. With the mention of a “Candyland”, she had gotten them riled up enough to attempt a strike in her direction. Gou shook his head to get rid of the stench, irritation growing as the living, breathing, walking desserts stepped up. These damn things were giving him a headache, and it had been only a couple of minutes! [color=00aeef]“You’re up, little bro. Show the world what you can do.”[/color] Like a dam bursting open, the disciple angrily hurled himself at the closest bread-like man. The both of them fell to the sand as his body collided against the figure with a thud. Sitting on top, he straddled the sickeningly sweet bread of a man and began to pummel it into the ground. Chunks of his opponent tore away as it got beat deeper into the sand. Colorful ornaments broke under the student’s unrelenting fists. Soon, he noticed the enemy relinquishing control of its hook-shaped weapon-- able to do nothing as it crumbled into pieces along with itself. Gou stood up from the mess and wiped his hands, grimacing at the presence of the smell still in the air. Luna had been recording him the whole time, and so he reached a hand out to her. [color=silver]“Elder sister, my turn to film. Please get rid of the other one quickly. This stench is almost physically paining me...!”[/color]