[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8xEUGJQ.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210425/4b85e435a9a92979e0875e1983eb384f.png[/img] [color=7CE7D3]Mentions/Interactions:[/color] Val [@datadoggie] Toma [@Duoya] Rodrick [@ChaoticLaw] [Color=7ce7d3]Mood:[/color] [url=https://youtu.be/KEY0UFHMMj4]Trouble[/url][/center] [hr] [hr] While mornings weren't Lorelei's thing anyways, this morning she was particularly sour. She was used to waking up early every day, though she always hated it, her falling asleep in the tub and in siren form resulted in some of the best sleep she'd had in a long time. So when Athena's voice rang out it startled her and water from the tub splashed everywhere. In turn, the pajamas she'd planned to change into and her clothes from yesterday were now soaked. She'd gotten out of the tub quite irritated and wrapped herself in a towel before walking out of the bathroom. It seemed Rodrick was awake too, but she didn't make any eye contact with him nor did she even say a word to him. She simply grabbed her change of clothes then disappeared back into the bathroom. Once dressed she proceeded to strap various knives all over her body, some hidden, some visible. She then made her way to the Hall of Combat where she immediately began to stretch, figuring they'd obviously be doing something physical soon. This reminded her a lot of her mornings back at the thieves guild with Zendan and his training sessions. She was determined to be prepared for whatever they threw at her. So when Sir Vermont took off running she didn't even pause as she did so too. While she knew she could easily be at the front of the pack, she instead stayed back near the middle. She wasn't looking to stand out currently. She was actually only a few steps behind Valencia, but had yet to say anything to the girl. She also spotted Rodrick near the front, impressed to see him there. She quickly took note of Dex nocking an arrow and letting it fly towards someone at the back of the pack. Incentive for everyone to keep up. She watched the student go down, immediately recognizing who it was. Then another went to help him up, but the poor guy got knocked over by the dickhead. She almost sighed, but then noticed the change in Val's demeanor in front of her and had a feeling the girl was about to do something. Lor decided to take advantage of whatever was about to happen and silently pulled a dagger out of her sleeve. The bully, Patrick, was about to pass on her left and she silently caught her dagger in the belt that held his pants up. In a quick move she sliced through the belt without him even noticing. Moments later Val knocked him on his ass once more. Lorelei feigned being concerned for the guy as she stopped and did what Toma did earlier, offering to help him up. He likely would have shoved her over too, but as he stood his pants dropped to his ankles, exposing him to everyone. She glanced down at his waist and smirked as she spoke up. [Color=7ce7d3]"Oh! Now I understand why you carry such a big weapon! Gotta compensate for that little guy."[/color] She watched the guy's face turn quite red, but she turned away before anything could happen. She also caught sight of an arrow being released in her direction. She had a feeling her antics would earn her this and she was prepared. While the arrows still hit her side and hurt like hell, she slowed it some by catching it. She looked to Dex and smirked, throwing the arrow back to him before blowing him a kiss and taking off quickly. While she knew the arrow would leave a nice bruise, she ignored the pain in her side and ran past a bunch of students. She now was near the front of the pack, just a bit behind Rodrick.l, and seemed to show little sign of tiring just yet. Running was one thing she actually really enjoyed and it was slowly putting her in a better mood.