[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0ZGnMBQ.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210426/ca1388474cfe29340a3a01cbbe7c0750.png[/img][/center][hr] From the back of Hoseforn Academy, a dot of blond could be seen making its way tirelessly around the gigantic premise. Calven huffed and puffed, his body feeling more energized after yet another 6 miles in just under an hour. Morning runs were almost a ritual at this point. Aside from cooking, this was another thing he truly enjoyed. One would wonder why an aspiring chef like himself would be in pretty good shape under all his robes - a rarity when it comes to being capable of making great food every day. Alas, there was no secret. Only consistency (and way too much time growing up than he knew what to do with). After his endurance run, he proceeded to finish off his routine with one last 100-meter sprint. Many people would find this to be torture, but to him, it was a great way to pass the time growing up in a home that only housed himself. Plus, he could eat more throughout the day. Athena began to call for their first class’ assembly by the time he arrived. In a hurry, he washed up, then donned his uniform and robe. A groan left him; the magus robe had already begun to make him sweat. Oh, well. Another shower at the end of the day wouldn’t hurt. By no means was he late, but he rushed to the Hall of Combat anyways, energy and adrenaline still rushing through him. Cal was nowhere near capable in combat as he was in the kitchen-- the reason being, he’d simply never bothered to try fighting anyone. Though this was the case, he didn’t care too much. A self-proclaimed pacifist through and through, but he’d try his best. Would it be reasonable for anybody to give up on their very first day? Also, where was Ixius? The Hall of Combat looked like something straight out of his mythology books. Great colossal cyclops and warriors alike battled to the death here. A bead of sweat formed on the concerned chef’s brow, totally unsure what to make of the grandiose setting. Should anything similar have to occur, he’d gladly excuse himself to the cafeteria. Shattering this plan were resolute words from a man in full body armor. Sir Vermont from the cafeteria! However, he wanted to asked: [i]Sir, are you not feeling hot at all in that get-up?[/i] The student cursed in his head as he noticed another person in full body armor-- Valencia? That was Valencia! But why on earth does everybody seem [i]immune[/i] to heat? He had half a mind to call out to her until a sentence interrupted his thought process. [color=silver]“...you’d better keep up.”[/color] In a blur of black and yellow, Calven took off in a sprint and beamed all the way. Boy, if there was anybody who keep up, it was him. The energy pent up in his body from the run fueled him, boosting him across crowds of students still processing the words. The chef easily tagged along right beside Sir Vermont, happy to be using his excess of adrenaline for a second morning run. The wind rushed against his smiling face as he took this peaceful time to think. Things were rather pleasant, and he’d even caught the faces of some of the people at his table just last night! How wonderful; how were they all holding up? Presumably, rather well-- [b]“@%$#!!!!!!!!!”[/b] A chorus of “holy shit”s and “oh no”s erupted from behind him as the herd sped up. Calven swerved his head back after a quick glance, only to bump into Sir Vermont and land on his ass. A great line of people passed by him in a blur. Taking his sweet time to get up, he noticed a person proceed to knock a boy down, wish him a greeting for the next year, only to have himself knocked down and exposed to the rest of the stadium. A witness to this magnificent scene, he took sight of Valencia, Lorelei, and the boy who fell, jog past him. [i][color=#34A0FF]Great job, all of you![/color][/i] he mentally commended the trio. Easily lost in his thoughts, a good group of people passed him as he wiped away his sweat. There were many yelps and exclamations of panic, only now realizing that one of the teachers from the Grand Hall’s feast had been shooting students one by one. A look of disbelief ran across his face, then immediately switched to one of determination. With a swift motion, he unclipped his robe and threw it over his head, obscuring a good majority of his body. To complete this plan, he’d run like the wind-- Just then, a feeling similar to being stuck outside during a thunderstorm came about. From next to him, a familiar face slowly jogged past. Ixius had been at the back this whole time! A wide grin bloomed on the chef’s face as he damned his plan to hell and threw his magus robe over the both of them. With a firm grip on Ixius’ wrist, he zoomed forward at full speed, a pair of black after-images bolting past groups of students that had begun to wane. During their speedrun, the blond stuck out a tongue at Dex, fully believing in the cover of his robe. The boy’s body was light and extremely energized from his morning run, and had no trouble dragging along an extra person. There was no way in all the realms he’d be caught at the back! The wrist in his hand began to struggle, but by that time they’d already reached Sir Vermont’s side. Perfect! Now, all they had to do was keep up the pace, and this kind sir would act as their meat shield. It seemed difficult for Ixius to keep up, but Calven was determined to keep their position, energy unmatched. [color=#34A0FF]“SEE YOU ALL NEXT YEAR AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”[/color]