[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Vjtv5lb_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210419/b20e29e2aece398f677b72adcb18d2b2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Happy Harbour [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Team Canary [hr] The silent tension between Viktor and Talon presented itself as the two exchanged looks. His brush past Viktor actually caused him to narrow his eyes at the back of Talon's head. He quickly shrugged it off and walked in Alisa's direction, but kept his eyes on what Talon might do to cross the gap. Whatever piece of equipment he had chosen was likely involved, and Talon scaling a tree narrowed down his guess on what it was. [Color=silver][i]Good choice.[/i][/color] He threw a glance at the other group utilizing a ladder to cross the same gap they were. "Ja" appeared to be leading the other group, taking the lead and giving orders to the rest. He took a mental note before hearing the cracking of a branch. Though the swing failed, Talon managed to grip below the edge of the other side. Viktor watched Talon struggle with an almost disappointed stare. Help was immediately there for him in the form of Casper and Daphne….. Or so he assumed. Not only could they not pull Talon up, but Daphne was unintentionally strangling him with her hair. Viktor actually scowled at how embarrassing this was. As Daphne cried for help, Viktor gripped Alisa's right arm and pants leg. He hoped she trusted him because he did her at this moment. As heavy as she was, he moved her as if she were a mere fraction of her weight. Viktor swung her around with a spin and launched Alisa with a grunt. Unlike Casper, he didn't bother worrying about how hard to throw her. He had aimed her to the right to avoid an even bigger disaster in knocking his entire team into the hole. Not stopping there, he backpedaled far enough that he could get some momentum before he would attempt to clear the gap himself. He placed trust in Alisa, but you always had to have a contingency.