[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/873479307715051540/image.png[/img] [sub][color=goldenrod]Interaction[/color] | The Current Team Casper or [@Shard] Kassandra or [@Mistress Dizzy] Daphne or [@DreamingFlowers] Talon or [@Courtaud] [color=goldenrod]Location[/color] | Happy Harbour [/sub][/center][hr] Kila was on the ladder in wait for those of his squad to cross. Despite trying to keep cool outwardly, he was feeling himself get more tense as time ebbed forward. The other squad had more opportunity to simply beat them in both tasks and that wasn’t a good look. He didn’t want to get reprimanded in his first training session when the tasks given were so simple given their qualifications. That was when he heard a boom from the top, unfortunately from the end of Black Canary’s team. Possibly Alisa using some robotic ability to get across. Though the body that flew above the pit briefly was not hers. Instead, it was the Talon boy from earlier. He did not have as graceful of a landing, not even makin it to the other side. He instead crashed into the wall of the pit and had to hold on for dear life. Kila wondered what the hell happened for them to suddenly change the strategy they had been using. The only logical guess would be that the guy decided to go on his own terms. Regardless, he was in a difficult situation now. At first it may have seemed like something they could handle, just the two members of their squad who made it across to just pull him up. Casper had attempted to do so, it appeared, with Daphne following in suit. Though it wasn’t long before Daphne cried out for help. Actually turning his head to get his first good look at the drop. From the looks of it, this would be no good for anyone if he were to fall down there. Kila was annoyed that the Talon boy literally didn’t look before he leapt as the saying went. That was when his eye caught the movement of Daphne’s hair. A wave of the feeling from earlier swept over him...The strange primal urge swept through his system as Daphne’s power reacted out of distress again. [color=goldenrod][i]Help Talon.[/i][/color] It was a heavily conflicting feeling from when it was originally Daphne on the receiving end of Talon’s assault earlier. Kila felt conflict on whether or not he should actually aid them or not. That was when he heard the gasping of breath, looking to see that Daphne’s vines begun to constrict Talon’s neck. In that moment, the decision made itself. He wouldn’t ignore the instinct this time, and thus Kila embraced it. Turning around on the bottom of the ladder, he pulled his feet up to shorten the extension of it. The end closer to their objective had been tugged back just enough to scape the dirt wall of the pit on the way down. Kila held tight to the top to keep it secure and prevent himself from free falling. Quickly shifting his eyes back down though, gravity was clearly weighing down on the falling edge and it started falling father. Kila shoved his legs into the rungs to extend the ladder again, stuffing the end into the corner of the pit. When it seemed to be locked in its diagonal position, Kila dropped to the bottom from about halfway. He took a breath to alleviate some of the adrenaline in his system before continuing. While strong-arming the ladder’s position to aim to being right beside Talon’s position, he heard Kassandra’s voice. Aiming his head up, he caught sight of Kassandra cutting the strangling hair. That was one problem in progress of being solved. He admired her initiative in not standing by to watch when things clearly hadn’t gone as planned. In which case, when close enough, Kila climbed up the ladder as quickly as he could. With the group that held to Talon’s arms, Kila grabbed up his legs as he was stepping up. As he neared the top though, the ladder’s extension integrity began to weaken. Thus, as the natural inclination was to hurry, he skipped a few rungs per step. It was when he was nearly to the top that he heard a click. Realizing what had happened, he jumped at the last second to launch himself the rest of the way with half of Talon’s body. Kila managed to clear the jump just barely with Talon’s lower half as the ladder closed and fell the rest of the way down. With his lungs and heart rate catching up to the actions he had just performed, Kila stepped away from the group sitting on the ground. Well...He had failed the challenge, miserably due to emotions within that felt foreign to him...but at the very least Talon would hopefully be alright. He’d accept the punishment for his deviance later.