[@MetalWeight][@Tortoise] Thanks, I'm glad people enjoy these shitposts from me :lol Bretonnia also definitely had an influence on my writing. "Blessing of Colonia" is basically "Blessing of the Lady" which gave a ward save against ranged attacks instead of all attacks. The King's "Beloved Son of Augustilia" is literally just Louen's "Beloved Son of Bretonnia". The massed "send in the next wave" thing came from a 40k 7e character ability from the Tempestus Scions of all places and the thought was that on like whenever a unit was killed, on a 6+ they'd come back as a "new unit" the following turn and Red Army improved it to a 5+ while allowing them to run further. Honestly, Augustilla would be perfect for square bases because of their Formation Fighting rule. I considered giving them something like the Estalian "Tactical Supremacy" and "Tercio Formation" from Warhammer Armies Project, but I figured that "tactical" and "Augustilian leadership" probably didn't mix. The quote about bravery is taken from Italians of WW2. I remember a quote saying that "they lacked everything except for bravery". And given the shitty equipment they were sent to fight with against much more well armed foes (F to the guy who had to use a tankette in 1944 with only two crappy bredda machine guns), I'd say it fits. EDIT: I just realized I confused the ECU with Augustilia and "Oligarch" with "Noble/Duke". Fuck.