The voting process was slow and painful. Some people knew who they were voting for right away, fulfilling Master Makarov's final wish without hesitation. Others couldn't even bring themselves to vote, still overcome with the grief of their fallen family. Those were the people Victoria felt for the most. They'd probably never had to suffer pain like this before. They'd never had their hearts ripped to pieces and their souls shattered by the loss of loved ones. They didn't understand that despite the pain, the world wasn't going to stop and wait around for them to finish mourning. Things needed to be done, and electing a new guild master was of utmost important; especially during these times. Victoria would have time to cry later when she was at home, but right now there was business to attend to. She knew that not everyone felt the same way that she did, yet it still surprised her when the young Skye spoke up. "Despicable." Jacob's head turned to Skye as she spoke. "A funeral for our fallen and you VOTE?! Who in Fiore cares who the next guildmaster is right now! The note from Late Master said we were to vote, but not at his funeral!" Jacob looked as though he was about to burst into tears. How could he have been so stupid? How disrespectful he had been to the memory of his fallen family to have the nerve to place his vote at all. He should have remained silent. Victoria read his expression, sighing. She gently nudged him in the arm, staring at Skye. "We all mourn differently, Jacob. She's just as upset as the rest of us, and this is her way of showing it." No doubt the young mage was seeking an emotional outlet for her sorrow, so Victoria couldn't blame her at all for the outburst. Jacob looked down at the damp ground, he'd forgotten completely about the rain pouring down over them. No doubt he and Victoria were both soaked. He felt bad for Victoria's gown. The attention of the two was caught by Zero as he began to address Skye about staying true to the words of Master Makarov and fulfilling his last wish. Jacob clapped his hands together in appreciation for Zero's words, and soon a few other guild members started to join in with him. Out of the crowd, another mage who Victoria believed was named Aura - a rather pretty name in her opinion - stepped up and spoke. Her idea of sending them off with a bang, Fairy Tail style, brought a smile to Victoria's face. If she was pleased by the idea, Jacob was inspired by it. Quickly rushing off from her side, Jacob stood beside Aura with his right fist firmly raised up to his chest. "It would be an honor to help you give them a send off, Aura. We'll give them the best send off anyone has ever seen!" He could feel the tears starting to well up once more, but now wasn't the time for crying. Victoria didn't have any magic to offer, but she figured she could at least appreciate the display from a distance. Moving through the crowd, trying to find a place to sit and watch, she came across a fountain with another member dressed in armor seated upon it. She approached the fountain without a word, taking a seat next to the man. Dressed in his armor, Victoria looked ridiculous next to him in her silly gown. She'd never felt so embarrassed wearing an outfit before, and her usual battle gear was needless to say, scantily clad enough. She didn't even have her weapons with her. What if they were attacked? She'd been caught up in the idea of giving her friends a respectful funeral that she had completely ignored instinct and logic. If an enemy were to attack, how many of them at the funeral would be prepared to fight? Disregarding the thought, she placed her hands in her lap and stared at the group from a distance. "You never really get used to it, do you?" She spoke to the man. She knew him only as Janus. She hadn't had many conversations with him at all. Their relationship was strictly based on knowing each others names and that was it. "Funerals, I mean. Ever since I joined Fairy Tail I've attended quite a few. Every morning before a funeral I tell myself, 'I'll be strong', 'I'll be okay' or 'I won't cry'. And then every single time, I fail to keep those promises to myself." She clutched the fabric of her dress in her fists, biting her bottom lip to try and hold back tears. "I'm tired of losing people."