[@Raylah] Yowza, that's a tough cookie. It's approved, with some fear of the chaos that military could release on the Galaxy :lol Feel like the ECU would love these guys, tho. ✓ Pure humans ✓ Dominates aliens ✓ Military gov't basically functions as an oligarchy But then, just to crush all the nice synergy I had started to imagine: [quote]Art is not forbidden, but it is considered to be entertainment for the losers and unworthy - anyone who wants to climb through the ranks cannot be seen watching a theatrical play or painting a picture.[/quote] Guess they wouldn't like Holographic Suite entertainment, huh? :hmm [hr] [@ClocktowerEchos] Oh, very well done. Honestly, "Good luck getting an Oligarch to 1v1 a Vampire or Enhanced" could probably just be straight copy-pasted into my NS and it wouldn't be wrong.