[quote=@ClocktowerEchos] I feel like the Vampire Technocrats is what the Oligarchs wish they were/think they are. I'd love to see some mildly racist Oligarch try to grandstand a Vampire with trivia or knowledge only to get absolutely verbally slammed in response. 100 years of studying and personal research seems more productive than a few decades of partying. [/quote] Yeah, the Noocracy is corrupt through and through. Once upon a time the Oligarchs really were legit geniuses, raised out of a society of scientists, but now it's all about social-climbing and keeping the populace docile. Knowing how to manipulate other Oligarchs with your speech, and the populace with the Holographic Suite programs that get made, is now more important to them than any kind of science or research. Likely course of action: the Oligarchs act diplomatic face-to-face, but behind the scenes they pump out a ton of holo-programs about heroic vampire-slayers and get their people all riled up against the undead [i]just in case[/i]