[indent] The telepath was already at work, her head tilted upwards as she placed her trust in the team to keep the robbers from her back. Her vision was flashes of light, but she could make out the feel of the bank, with a sideways tilt she stared off in the direction of Booster Gold. She had found him faster than she had expected. He was in a great deal of pain, and lost between breaths - in and out of consciousness over and over. [i][right]"Booster Gold -- wake up, and stay quiet. Concentrate on my voice, listen to my voice.[/right][/i] Eilidh visualised her words reaching him, floating to him like paper planes on a light breeze - even if the scene was anything but. A paper plane would erupt into flames here - but she had to maintain absolute focus, even in the eye of the storm. So she did. She did not move. [i] [right]"Booster Gold, we're here to save you but I need you to wake up-"[/right][/i] "Still more," she called out to Hana in her actual voice. There was a strain in her voice as she moved through each of them, reading the emotions of the room. The anger, the determination, the pain, the fear. "I've got Booster!" [/indent]