[b]SAM WINCHESTER[/b] Sam heard the knock on his hotel door and wondered who it was as it couldn't have been the pizza delivery he ordered for himself as it was far too soon for that. Then he heard a young sounding British accent come through the door asking for him in particular making him raise an eyebrow in curiosity. He shoved a shirt on and went to the door, making sure he had his handgun in the back of his jeans waistband just incase knowing very few people would come searching for him and use his real name unless they either friend or foe and he certainly hadn't been in touch with any family or friends lately. He then opened the door cautious and stood in the doorway looking at the young looking guy standing on the outside. "Whose asking?" he asked, looking around the area to make sure the guy was alone and it wasn't some kind of ambush from something that went bump in the night or another demon. [b]MIKA CHAMEBRS[/b] Mika had finally decided to get out of her room and walk down the creaky stairs of the Bobby Singer household, heading straight to the kitchen without even greeting her uncle in the process. She headed for the fridge and pulled out some food that she was finally agreeing to eat and stepped outside to get some fresh air. From where she was, she could see her own '66 chevrolet impala parked, gaining a little bit of dirt and in need of a wash despite not having been used for long periods of time. She refused to use the car due to it always reminding her of Dean's own '67 model that Sam had comodeered. She had spent too many days wishing that a sign would just come out of nowhere to say Dean didn't really end up dying and going to Hell and this was all just a weird horrible nightmare that she couldn't wake up from.