[color=f7941d]"But-UGH DAMN IT!"[/color] Cole growled as he charged forward and slashed at the bandit who tried to parry but Cole was younger, and faster than him it only took a few moments for Cole to shove his sword through the man's torso causing him to fall to the ground clutching at his wound. While Fer worked to cover him Cole was quickly able to dance from one side of the cave to the other his sword dully gleaming in the fire's light he cut down the remaining bandits with sufficient ease as Marcino entered the cave himself. He looked at the bandits who had given up, and sighed. [color=8882be]"More work I guess..."[/color] he grumbled as he moved to put manacles to their hand, and whistled into Auriel who came in and was told to watch the bandits who sat there silently but be it knowledge of who the man who had chained them was or not they seemed very uneasy with good reason as the blood of their fallen comrades poured onto the cave's floor. Cole looked at his blood stained armor. Not a drop of it was his own thanks to Fer. He felt sick to his stomach...having killed people like this. It would've made him vomit if not for the simple fact these were people who enjoyed burning down simple farmer's lives. Crops took ages to grow and there was a literal apocalypse around the corner. As Cole looked to Marcino he pointed towards the back of the cave, and a crudely made wooden door sat placed in an opening. Cole nodded figuring that was the location they needed to go. Cole stepped forward and led the way as he had to use some effort to get the door to actually open as it was wedged in rather well to the narrow cave opening. Taking a deep breath he braced himself to fight the enemy in front of them the boss...Rayla Winters... As Cole led the way he slowly started to feel more and more constrained as the smoke from torches that led the way was making it harder to breath for him though it was probably less so for the shield who had defensive buffs. Made Cole a bit jealous of that utility. Still Cole couldn't help but feel relieved when Fer, and himself finally reached their destination as they heard the sound of hands clapping they looked up to find a young lady with a smug smile looking down at them with a giant sword laying on her lap, and some what looked to be iron armor adorning her body. She spoke clearly and loudly. [color=ed1c24]"So then you come all this way during the end of the world to fight a foreign national instead of learning to save the day. I see you're rather well bloody...and yet you don't seem tired. Well I suppose the heroes of the world wouldn't be too interested in the lives of individual bandits. Whatever are you going to state your names or are you just here do to business?"[/color] the woman said growing more disdainful as she spoke. [color=f7941d]"My name is Cole! I am the Hero of the Sword! I will give you the chance to surrender or you'll be killed for your crimes against the common folk."[/color] Cole started as the woman sighed. [color=ed1c24]"Oh yeah like that wouldn't happen if I wasn't ready to surrender. Whatever Rayla Winters former 'The Crimson Witch of Zeltoble' at your service."[/color] Ratyla comments boredly looking down to Cole having seemed to lost all interest in Fer. [url]https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/90100756[/url] (first picture is Rayla)