[@Iceheart] [@vancexentan] [@King Kindred] [@KillamriX88] It wasn't long before Ovaan found himself soaring above a familiar landscape. It was the peculiar mushroom desert that he had originally awoken in. Deciding this was far enough, he descended and eventually landed fairly close to the very spot he'd awoken at. Hearing nothing but the wind, and feeling nothing but the sun blazing down on him, Ovaan took a deep breath. He still wasn't entirely sure why he said what he had said back there. At least, not why he had said it aloud like that. He kept it no secret all this time that his actions while serving under the banner of Freeza still ate at him. He could sometimes still see the faces of the conquered when he closed his eyes at night, and could still hear their cries of terror. But at this point that may as well have been a lifetime ago. He'd thought for sure he had moved on by now, after all it'd been a while since the last time he'd had such a nightmare or flashback. But then the realization came to him in moments. It was surviving as a fugitive, and eventually planning out the imminent battle against the Freeza Force that had kept him from thinking about his past actions. They were a distraction from it, as it were. But now? Now there was nothing keeping him from thinking about it all. At least not [i]yet[/i]. Ovaan concentrated his energy into lifting up a hunk of earth that floated high above him. Then he thrust a palm upward and blasted the hunk with a small blast that broke it into small chunks that started raining down toward the ground. Without even really thinking about it, Ovaan went on the move. At incredible speeds he appeared here and there around the chunks of earth, firing off quick Death Beams from his fingertips at them as they fell to the Earth, incinerating them. In fact he was fast enough that he managed to destroy all the pieces before even a single one hit the ground, and then his three-pronged feet touched the ground as he landed. This wasn't the first time he'd done such an exercise, in fact it was one he had done many times before. It was a great way to ensure he was always accurate and precise with those Death Beam shots, since in battle missing by even an inch could spell the difference between victory or death. But that was only the warm up. Ovaan now reached into his bio-suit for the capsule that contained his new ship and deployed it nearby. It was time to see what gravity training felt like. He'd done plenty of training in normal environments and even some harsh ones, but never under increased G-forces, so this would prove to be an interesting experiment. The hatch opened and Ovaan entered, immediately making his way toward the gravity controls. Having fiddled with them previously, he had a basic grasp of how to use them. He knew he could input a static gravity setting, and decided to set it to 10g to start off. But he also knew the gravity settings could be programmed to gradually alter the G-forces either upward or downward at periodic intervals based on user input. So after Ovaan had done some warm up stretches, he programmed such a routine for the gravity settings. He set them to increase the G-forces by 10 every hour with 10g remaining as the starting point, and setting the maximum level to 100 so as not to completely overwhelm him. And after that was when the [i]real[/i] training began. It felt fairly simple at first. For the first couple of hours, Ovaan could only feel slight differences in the gravity as he performed strikes with his fists, feet, and even Nova Saber. But once the Gravity reached 40-50g, [i]that[/i] was when he began noticing how heavy his body was becoming. His movements became slower as he was now having to move while effectively being weighed down by tons of extra weight thanks to the G-forces. It wasn't impossible, but Ovaan did begin to legitimately wonder much more his body could withstand, and whether the 100g level cap was too high to start off with.