[center][h2][color=darkorange]Ryder Drake[/color][/h2][/center][hr] Nodding at Master Isac's confirmation of the hex's non-interference, Ryder kept quiet as further questions were answered. Though he did raise a skeptical eyebrow at the student apparently scribbling his questions on a notebook. That seemed... rather inconvenient in emergencies of any sort... But he had been chosen for this mission and it wasn't Ryder's place to question the Masters' judgement. Except he apparently had. He couldn't tell what the Poncho Guy had asked but the answer implied concerns about the hex and Master Isac's indignation implied things about how his own question had been received. He hadn't meant to question Master Isac's abilities! Except he had. But not [i]question[/i] question! ...Regardless, that was a grave sin he had now committed. Ryder stared at the floor in silent mortification. At least he had the hex explanation to listen to attempt distracting himself from his transgressions, which didn't exactly put his mind any more at ease. The proximity requirement was... worrying. He'd have to remember to stick close to someone but he didn't even know what sort of combat the rest of them preferred. If there was no one else to jump in melee with him, that could spell trouble for him. But that was a problem for the future. The very near future apparently. Ryder did his best to keep any concern out of his face as their final instructions were laid out. Just an hour and they'd be kicked out the door... Well, it was an important mission so urgency shouldn't be so surprising. The reveal of another student joining them later was surprising, however. Ryder wondered how they'd ensure her loyalty when she wasn't there for the hex, but it was not his concern. The Masters weren't nearly stupid enough not to consider and solve that so he didn't have to worry about it. His mind had plenty enough to occupy itself as it was. After a visit to his room to get properly ready instead of the haphazard job he had done earlier, Ryder made it to the gates with a bit of time to spare still. With a touch of grumpiness, he shifted on his feet as he eyed the carriage. Stupid carriage. He didn't like it and he wasn't sure if being crammed in that moving box with a bunch of other people would make it better or worse. Regardless, it couldn't be avoided and complaining would be childish and stupid. So, he sucked it up and climbed on, mindful not to bump the spear slung over his shoulder into anything. Since he wasn't exactly suffering from sleepiness and he most likely wouldn't be getting any shuteye even if he was, Ryder settled with just sitting quietly, trying not to be weird. Although he still couldn't help stealing glances at his brand new compatriots as he fidgeted and worked on gnawing through his lower lip. He hated this carriage already. His suffering thankfully wasn't eternal, however, and after some time, three consecutive thuds from the roof of the deamded the attention of the carriage. The source of it was soon revealed to be their roof guard who apparently had concerns. Ryder wasn't quite sure what was up but, for now, he was content to do as he was told and even more content to vacate the carriage lickety-split. As they approached the inn, Ryder readied his spear and kept his ear out for anything unusual, but the whole area was a bit strangely quiet even for this hour. You'd think at least someone was awake. And then they went in and came face to face with a murder scene and the assumed perpetrators still about.