[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/NqioKzlb.png[/img] [h3][color=00a99d][i]Reynard Faust [/i][/color]| On the Road[/h3] [b]"[i]Scholarly Assistance[/i]"[/b] [@Spectral][@Landaus Five-One] [/center][hr] [color=00a99d]"Defeating them would not be a tall order, but such a result would not be pretty. Maybe scaring them is on the table"[/color], he surmised. Demands, as Asher assumes, is to begone from this location. But that was only his assumption, they could be after something else as well, yet their ability to communicate was limited and so finding a solution may not be easy. Reynard kept his hands relaxed, yet ready, his breathing slowed. At a moment's notice he could slice apart their primitive weapons if they needed. He turned to Carver for a moment, hoping he might be able to communicate, their job was merely to keep him safe afterall. If it came down to it they'd have to fight in order to do so. These creatures were not known to be a huge threat or even actively hostile, so it can be assumed they'd done something they're not happy with.