[center][url=https://imgbb.com/][img]https://i.ibb.co/YkSTsjg/Amalia-Signature.png[/img][/url][/center] [color=f7976a]"Steak pie? Huh, I doubt we do. But maybe I can help you make one! But steak pies sound like meat pies and that is what Sweeney Todd was making, now wasn't it? I am not stepping into a trap here,"[/color] Amalia laughed while talking to Jennifer, she thought about how she could draw up the ingredients to a steak pie, once she figured out what it needed, rather easily. If she did it that way she wouldn't have to explain how she was making food.[color=f7976a] "Well, Jennifer the teacher from England, it is nice to meet you. I don't know how you got stuck here though, or how you will get back. It seems like everything is going into lockdown. And the water supplies," [/color] Amalia sighed,[color=f7976a] "that's rough. I don't know how to help there. But I might be able to help with the phone situation at least! A teacher should have a phone, you know? In case of emergencies and what not. I can come back after the school time and see what I can do help." [/color] Amalia could either buy a simple phone or possibly draw one up. She hadn't actually thought to draw up a phone, it was small enough that it seemed simple. Manifesting a working phone though might be a little difficult, but she was more than willing to try. Or take the easy route and buy it, she had been saving money the last few months. Just as she was thinking about the phone, her own phone started to chime. It was an alert about the live press conference from the president. She pulled out her phone to start the video and stood close to Jennifer so she could see what was happening too. After he announced the new rules Amalia stared in shock,[color=f7976a] "What can any altered human even do now? That's almost every right," [/color] Amalia shook her head, she almost said every right she had, [color=f7976a] "they have. How long will this last?" [/color] What would this mean for her own business? When would she need to get tested? Would her job fire her when they found out? Could she be kicked out of her building? There is so many rights a protected class has, that is why they are protected. You could be evicted, jobless, denied food stamps, and a plethora of other things and you would have no right to fight it all. You would only be able to lay down and take it. By saying the altered humans were not a protected class it basically put a target on everyone's back to say, "Hey! You can beat me and I can't do anything about it!" Police wouldn't have to take action, hospitals could deny you. Amalia wasn't sure how she would live this kind of life, all she wanted was to be happy. She wouldn't use her powers in a malicious way, or at least she couldn't see herself doing so. Although this thought intrigued her. [i]"Would I use my powers to hurt someone?[/i] She thought about her scam artist best friend, Simon. If he was in trouble, which god knows with the shit he pulled, she might hurt someone to protect him. But did that inherently make her evil? It was too early for her to be thinking these kinds of thoughts or she would start to spiral for who knows how long. No, she couldn't let herself right now. Right now she was not tested, right now she could keep living normal. [i]'Start with today...'[/i] she thought. Her mother used to say it all the time to her as a kid. She was so eager when she was just a child to grow up and begin her life as an adult that sometimes she would get overwhelmed with the thought and have panic attacks. Her mom used to soothe her and simply say, "Start with today." [@Bai Suzhen]