Arcturus had noted, much to his discomfort, the shocked reaction Victor had showed his refusal. As if it were normal for one to so easily drink from the veins of another person, expected even. He'd had to suppress a shudder of revulsion at the thought. Luckily the conversation had moved swiftly onto the matter of rebuilding the clinic's defenses, allowing the young man to push such disturbing thoughts aside. Admittedly the church hunter had been right. As meager a defense as a locked door was, attempting to fortify the building any more from outside would merely trap the people they were trying to protect. However there was one thing the church hunter had mentioned which he found odd. [i]Incense[/i] to keep the beasts away? What was that about? Before Arcturus could ask, however, voices had once more sounded out from among the sleeping patients. While Victor cautiously greeted the newly awakened men, Arcturus quietly looked on, having nothing immediate to add to the conversation. His piercing blue eyes scrutinized the two and their attire, assessing them and the way they acted. One of the men possessed an impressive physique, impeccably fit and even taller than Arcturus himself. The other was less imposing but still held a striking appearance, seeming confident and intelligent. Both of them had visible scars, indicating to him some manner of experience. Though in what he had no idea. Both men wore clothing of fine make, by his reckoning, one looking to be a traveler of sorts while the other struck him as scholarly. However both men seemed to have a regal bearing about them. Arcturus quickly recognized it, these two were likely both of noble background. The scholarly man seemed to be adjusting quite well to the situation he had awoken in, while the more muscular of the two appeared quite the opposite. In a way it was reassuring. Arcturus was no longer the only foreigner out of his element. However as the others in the room spoke, exchanging questions and information, one point was brought up which caused the young man some concern. [i]Contract?[/i] Yes, that's right. He had signed a contract before receiving his blood ministration. Yet as hard as he tried, Arcturus couldn't remember the slightest thing about it. He furrowed his brow, turning away from the others with a small frown on his features. Why couldn't he remember? Arcturus had always had an excellent memory, making it all the more strange that he would forget something so important. Growing slightly frustrated at his uncharacteristic forgetfulness, he began searching through cabinets and drawers, methodically scouring the room for anything that might resemble legal documents. All the while he idly continued to eavesdrop on the conversation, glancing over to watch the massive man push one cabinet in particular aside. It seemed the little men had lead the others to the key. At least now they would be able to leave some small measure of defense behind when they left. Still, Arcturus was anxious about finding his contract. The fact that he couldn't remember its contents was unnerving. Victor had said something about 'becoming a hunter and hunting beasts,' but this didn't aid his recollection one way or the other. So he continued searching, hoping to find some archive of blood ministration contracts.