[h3]A Chance Encounter: Rivals[/h3] As Monarchs flooded through the streets keeping the civilians away from the delicate pastries, but no matter how many they saved from diabetes, there were some who were grateful and some who screamed and ran away from the gentle Monarchs. A few decided to pet the Monarchs before the creatures took off into the sky to continue their job. The two that had been sent to find the source of the muffin men did in fact locate it. They hovered over the SeaShell Bakery for a moment watching as the muffin men came marching out to spread the glorious sweets that the mutant inside prepared. One of the Monarchs hovered low to get a better view, but the windows had some sort of substance on them to keep visibility low. Still, the creature picked up on subtle whimpers and cries for help from those trapped inside. It looked at the other Monarch and lifted its head. From its maw an orb shot up into the sky like a flare and exploded, giving a signal that this was where the source resided. Yuri moved silently on the back of the Monarch as it breezed through the street towards the source of the flare. As he surged forth, out of the corner of his eye he saw Lorenzo being followed by what looked to be masses of walking shadow, except the shadows, had claws and looked to be pulled straight from a child's nightmare. Yuri hovered closer and sighed. "[color=7bcdc8]Ya know, for someone who is supposed to be undercover, it was rather easy to find you,[/color]" Yuri teased, "[color=7bcdc8]alas if you follow the flare I'm sure you'll find the source of this infection.[/color]" Yuri's attention remained in the direction the flare had come. His Monarchs had found the source, while his other Monarchs continued to destroy muffin after muffin keeping them from the source of the Earth's barrier within Coral City, even though the Monarchs didn't know what they were protecting or the location of the device. All they knew was that Yuri, their master, had ordered them to protect civilians and destroy the muffin monstrosities, and that's what they did. Yuri unmounted the Monarch he was riding and sent it off to join the other four in keeping civilians safe. Coral city was large, and no doubt taxing to keep safe, but they were doing it. "[color=7bcdc8]Try to keep up handsome,[/color]" Yuri said to Lorenzo throwing a wink in his direction before dashing towards SeaShell Bakery.