[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 02/20 Word Count: 775 Location: Museum of Vanity Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance--- Level 2: 04/20[/center] "Err, yeah, magic." Jesse Faden had said at the time, in response to Primrose's question. "Where I'm from we call it the paranatural. Technically the term is classified, but, that's a stupid rule." [i](Plus, I'm the Director and I can do as I damn well please.)[/i] Jesse nodded as everyone agreed to the plan. The Tool Gun truly was a utility. A very useful Object of Power, one of the best she's ever discovered. It took some charges, but soon the entire gang of heisters was down to her size. Once that was done, the only thing left to do was get walking. Make slow and steady progress- would hardly be the most grueling walk across a room in her life. Or, so she thought. Instead, the cat turned into a truck. Jesse blinked, and then nodded. "Oh, okay, I get it. You guys are just gonna play this off as no big deal to impress me. Fair." She said jokingly as she hopped inside. Things got a little dicey, but Mona was good for it. The distraction was useful and they managed to make it through. Jesse undid everything, spamming the mental button. Even the door would become Collidable again, just to make sure no one followed them in without at least having to open the door. A brief visit through some back areas and they kept moving forward. The Thieves moved with purpose, they knew where they going. Faden just hoped this place wasn't going to pull the rug out from under their feet again. No-Colliding doors and then peeking through was a very good strategy for safely scouting ahead. "Phantom Thief code. I like it." Jesse said. "Although I should warn you, I'm basically a cop. But I'm pretty sure this place is outside my jurisdiction. Still, try not to commit too many felonies while I'm around." The redhead said. Jesse was clearly having fun. Her mood had brightened the more she tagged along with the Phantom Thieves. Joker reported in from the peek-a-boo tactic. "Eldritch nightmare gallery?" Jesse asked, her interest piqued. She shook her head. Joker was right. Maybe if circumstances were different. Right now, the natural had become the new paranatural. Once inside, she sprinted, keeping her pistol held in both hands and pointed at the ground. Past all the art no doubt born of madness, they pushed through the sickly pale green light. Their final obstacle was a lone guard. Jesse wondered if perhaps they could formulate a plan to sneak past this one, too- but Joker went ahead and got the drop on it. Not the worst call. Getting discovered was a different ball game than pulling off an ambush. What was revealed, however, turned the tables of the Phantom Thieves + Guests quite quickly. A hideous creature formed from darkness and marred by evil. It roared and the entire room was plunged into darkness. It roared, and Jesse knew it to be the kind of noise that could worm into an untrained mind and force panic upon courageous hearts. Jesse Faden was not an untrained mind. She steeled herself and prepared to do her job, resisting the fear effect. "We need light!" Jesse shouted, voice steady and strong. For her part the redhead began taking steps backward. She pushed a hand out and did a melee attack. There was a burst of wind, but she was well out of range of the shambler. The true purpose was to summon a short but crucial flash of white light, the kind that accompanied her abilities in some form or another. The grisly form of the Shambler appeared for a second and a half before fading back into darkness. Hand still reaching, she grasped one of the nearby blue-green statues in her minds eye. Wrenching it from the ground, she flung it at the giggling Shambler at speed. A crushing blow to disorient or shove bakc. Then Jesse once again lit the room up, only this time it was with her semi-automatic Service Weapon. The explosive bursts eminated from the whirring yellow cylinder in the center of the otherwise obsidian pistol. Jesse was going to put some psychic bullets into this monster. Ideally it would focus all on her while her allies regained their composure. Give them time to push it's corruptive influence out of their heads. She wanted to create more distance by sprinting away, but she settled for doing a balanced, calm, back-pedal instead. If she ran too far, it might pursue an easier target. It was never wise to underestimate the intelligence of a monster from another dimension. [i](All eyes on me, you ugly bastard.)[/i]