[color=ed1c24]Castlevaniva:Blood Sorrow[/color] Its the 21st century, and the age of vampires and magic have been forgotten. Becoming stuff of legends now. The Belmont Family has been forgotten, their exploits a thing of fiction now. Dracula's followers still exist, wanting to bring back their dark prince. They discover he has a bastard child. A daughter who resembles her brother Alucard. They go on a search for her, believing her blood can bring him back. This Daughter however knows this, but doesnt want to serve her destiny. Wanting to instead to find a cure for her vampirism if possible, and seeks out the last descendant of Trevor and Sypha. Believing he could hold the secrets to vampirism [color=2e3192]Gladiator[/color] An unhappily married Noble lady in her mid 30's becomes a fan of a younger 20 yr old gladiator. Upon seeing his brave heroics she will summon him and become her bodyguard, to give him the very finest of everything from food to clothes to furnishings. She may even try to take him as her secret lover. After much servitude, she gives him an ultimate task. Kill Her Husband. They will take his money and leave to a secluded island.