[b][color=#CF2606][img]https://i.imgur.com/sUKZP3C.png[/img][/color][/b][sup][right]Tag(s): Everyone[/right][/sup][indent][indent][hr][/indent][/indent][hr] [indent][color=gray] Ixius felt drained, to say the least. Physically, his body was screaming out at being forced to go at Calven's pace and then being pinned by an Arrow for Dex. Mentally, he was grasping on to any thread of reason that prevented him from killing a fellow Magus. One of the tenets of the Librarium was the absolute restriction of [i]confratricide[/i] (To kill one's fellow colleague), but still, there had to be an exception to every rule, right? Mana circulated and gathered within Ixius, then stopped, then started again; this cycle repeated a few times before fully settling. The waves of spiking and throttling mana could be felt by anyone who was even a tiny bit proficient in sensing mana. As the 'warm-up' came to an end, he stared daggers at the oblivious blond. The red-eyed magus was practically fuming as he pushed down the rage and the vomit scratching its way up his throat. He controlled his breathing, mostly to catch his own breath and restore some stamina as the students lined up. Ixius once again stood in the 'at-ease' position. His rage was still palpable, but less so. It was clear who it was directed at. Unfortunately, he only heard bits and pieces from Sir Vermont as he was busy trying to calm himself down. Ixius watched the (objectively speaking) beautiful teacher's 'performance'. It was other-worldly... for swordsmen. Still, to be able to put that much effort in anything is to be commended, even with an inefficient method of combat. That, and his fears of Instructor Maya being dangerous were true. He was unsure if anything less than an Arch-Magus... no maybe a Grand Arch-Magus could fight evenly with this teacher. The mannequins too were quite something else. It was clear that they were moving with magic, but it was extremely advanced and subtle. Sir Vermont had mentioned that they 'adapt' to your skill-level, which was interesting. Ixius couldn't put his finger on exactly how they would adjust to an opponent's strength on the fly, so it was impressive to him. The fight continued... it was like an enrapturing dance. Ixius, to no one's surprise, couldn't quite keep up with the faster sections. He's always had an observing eye, but most of the intricacies of the fight went over his head. All he could tell was that; Maya was extremely skilled for a swordsman, and that the mannequins could somehow even provide a challenge to her. Even that moment mid-air, she somehow maneuvered the dodge an incoming attack. The fight had essentially ended in a flash. Slow when they circled each other but too fast for his eyes when they clashed. Still, as impressive as the display was... learning magic seemed to be more superior to him- less risk whilst having much superior fire power. What can a sword do to a slew of fireballs sent from a singular mage's chant. Besides, unlike steel weaponry and armour, magic's the type of thing to never break, right? [hr] Ixius stepped up against a training dummy. It readied itself against him as the magus drew a blank. [i][color=#CF2606]Wait, how does one even begin a fight without magi-[/color][/i] Ixius thought as the dummy raised its fist and hooked him across the face. That was how. He looked inwards, into his memory, had he even read any book pertaining to such? As another fist came flying towards his face, he remember that he'd read one in passing, that an adventurer left in their libraries, to laugh at it. A basic block, the cross-block was within the first few pages. Ixius tried his best to emulate the block; he held his fist up in a cross-like fashion, causing the oncoming fist to land land on his right forearm. [i][color=#CF2606]Defend the face, that was the basics... I think.[/color][/i] The mannequin seemed to note this and jumped backwards, but just in range for a kick. The magus looked at only one other move before he scoffed and threw the book back on the table he found it. It was a twisting kick, a round-house kick. The same kick that Maya had performed for the students to the last mannequin. To some it may appear he was simply mimicking the instructor but it really was the only kick he read from the book. As the mannequin landed, Ixius tried to recall the movement. Bring his leg up to the side and snapping his entire body sideways into a spin. Well, the 'kick' was a kick, if you could call it that. The kick missed its mark by quite a bit, and it barely reached the top of the mannequins chest. It didn't help that he was also out of stamina, so his body couldn't quite match up with his mind's vision. As his kick found no landing he spun further and exposed his sides to the mannequin who took no time to take advantage of the opening. With a swift front kick Ixius was thrown to the dirt as he didn't have steady footing after the kick. Ixius pushed his body up and punched the dirt as he heard a few faint giggles from the eyes watching him. He would get this mannequin without magic or he'd be damned. No swordsman nor combat class would get the better of him, even if inferior. That and he was a tad sick of being shoved and pulled around. [/color][/indent]