[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181111/6581c47a7eb2faebe2544c6e8b9c8695.png[/img][/centre] [hr] Despite having started her day at 6:00 AM in the morning every day for the past few years, Astfridur had not grown accustomed to the early start at all. When her morning alarm began to blare, it was slept off its nightstand and across the room, its cable yanked from the outlet. The grumbling woman wanted to bury her face in her pillows and go back to sleep, but she new she couldn't do that. Today was far too important to skip out on it. Besides, her work ethic wouldn't let her miss a day of work, not if she could help it. She rolled out of bed and stumbled her way over to the window, pulling the curtains apart and letting the sunlight pour into the room, nearly blinding herself for a few moments and increasing her morning frustrations. "Oh hell..." She took a moment to look over the city of Frankfurt, and couldn't help but scoff. It was a beautiful city, she would never deny that, and she enjoyed it thoroughly and was glad to be stationed here, but right now she couldn't be bothered. The mood would leave her eventually, or she'd make it. There was [i]no way[/i] she was going to let someone see her fit into the grumpy dwarf stereotype, she would die before that happened. She spent the next hour getting herself together for the day. Showered, dressed, teeth brushed, hair braided and ponytail wrapped. By the time she had finished, most of her grumpiness had left her, fading away with her sleepiness. Besides, it was hard to be entirely angry after soaking in hot water for awhile. But the thing that removed any trace of crankiness left in her body was the sound of paws skittering against the floor and the soft mewl of her cat. "Good morning, Sindre." She cooed softly and knelt down to pet the cat. "I'm gonna be gone awhile, so we'll eat together. Don't give your sitters a hard time." She flicked the cat's nose gently, and in response the feline playfully bit her finger, eliciting a chuckle from Astfridur. "Love you too." After a hearty breakfast and a bit more playing with the cat, Astfridur was out her door and on her way to the OMR office. It wasn't far from where she lived, just a short train ride away, and it wasn't one she minded. She could relax a little before she got swept up in her work, not that that was terrible either. She loved her work, but sometimes she found herself too wrapped up in it, whether it be in the lab or in the field. If it was something she'd come up with in the lab, it would be all she could think about for days, if not weeks, a new discovery or progress made on an examination or experiment was always something exciting for her, and she especially loved slapping something together with her hands. If it was for a field mission, like today, then she was anxious. Not out of worry, but excitement. Field work was always fun, and this mission seemed like it would be the best of both worlds. When she arrived at the OMR building, she wasted no time in skittering past her coworkers, giving a small nod or a quick greeting to everyone she recognized as she walked by. She headed directly for the room she'd be meeting her team in, shoving the door open before stepping inside. She'd entered just in time to hear the introduction of Ross, mostly catching the bit of his participation in The Shattering. She couldn't help but whistle out loud. "Oi, this mission must be something of a real shit show if we got people with accolades like tha-" As she looked around the room, her speech paused. Gone was her semi-snarky entrance, replaced by bewilderment and curiosity as she stared upon the mechanical girl in the room. She didn't quite know what to say, and so the only thing that left her mouth was a soft "Huh."