[h2]Xiaoyu[/h2][hr]"I'm fine, Saber. It would take more than that to take me down," Xiaoyu said to assuage her Servant's worries. She assessed the situation, taking note of the others' reactions before pulling a phone and fumbling with it for a moment before managing to dial an emergency number with a great deal of effort. "You can do as you wish, Saber. Just keep in mind we are common citizens here," the smallish Master said as she observed chaos take over the fast-food junction. "We should help those we can, Shou. Lend me a hand here while our Servants deal with the rest," Xiaoyu said to her classmate as she proceeded to help some of the victims get out of the debris, after noticing another girl doing the same. She hoping he would be able to help her with any heavy lifting. "I hope you don't mind if I help these ones as well," she said to the fox magecraft user. After a quick triage, Xiaoyu slapped some life-preserving talismans to the victims that were in the worst condition. While prolonged exposition to their curse would end up turning them into zombie-like beings, the powerful effect Xiaoyu's magecraft had on metabolism would allow them to hang on to life by the finest thread until the proper emergency services arrived. [h2]Assassin[/h2][hr]"Ho?" Assassin let out in a voice that sounded more amused than worried when the Master of the mysterious Lancer shut him down. "Trust me, boy, there's nothing for us to gain in getting involved but that's not an option anymore," he added as he heard the explanation. "I've been the target of many assassination attempts in my time. I know very well no one is that persistent—or brazen—about taking another's life if there's no reason for it. Whether you want to illuminate us on it or not is of no consequence. We have been involved and will be so until this incident ends," Assassin said as he stepped away from Shou for a moment, heading into the kitchen to investigate the case further after ascertaining that his Master was indeed safe. "By the way, you seem to have some excellent form, Lancer. If by any means we are allowed to meet in better circumstances, I wouldn't mind crossing spears with you," Assassin said in a completely casual manner as he disappeared into what looked more like a scene out of some war thorn village from a historical drama than a kitchen from a modern restaurant.