[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210527/fc2d609f51bc1e43540c68191d802617.png[/img] [/center][hr] [indent][indent][indent][color=silver][b]Lady Miyako Common Room[/b] Shinon was visibly shaken by the announcement of the Hero Billboard Conference and what almost had happened to some first years. She was here with her class and 2B’s class since a crucial event happened right now. It was a scholarly competition between the four class reps between the two classes. There was already tension from what happened with the original male class rep of 2A betraying Eirei Academy.[/color] [color=FFB6C1][i]’ What’s going to happen now of all things. It feels like the world went to shit after the death of Zeal.’[/i][/color] [color=silver]Shinon thought to herself while sitting looking at the two class reps of her class and the two from 2B. Sasuke insisted this meeting should have happened, and he started talking. His words made her worried and slightly more anxious with what he gave as a parting question. She didn’t know how to answer that parting question. However, there is an Internship Recruitment in a few minutes, and Pro-Heroes will be coming. Shinon did see how much Sasuke enjoyed eating ten watermelons while talking. She didn’t help but giggle at how he ate those watermelons, but everyone has their quirks when eating. It didn’t take long for Sasuke to bring up Ida Enka nearly murdered some first years and the reputation of her classroom now because of that traitor. Shinon was always the most helpful and kind towards everyone, but that irked her. She never knew that Ida Enka was going to betray them or try to kill anyone. In terms, Shinon took a few breaths before speaking her mind to Sasuke.[/color] [color=FFB6C1]” For one, I had no idea that Ida Enka was going to betray 2A or even nearly murder some first years. He just stopped talking to everyone before his plan started. It shocked me to the core that someone I trusted as a Class Rep would do that. I am grateful that Matsushima-san is our new rep.”[/color] [color=silver]Shinon said. She was a bit irritated with what Sasuke said, but she, in essence, disliked how high and mighty Sasuke was acting. Shinon gave out an aspirated sigh and shakes her head at the shock still in her system of what has happened. This week was the worst. She looks towards Katō Emiho, which is her friend since she wants to talk to her. It was only because Emiho probably had a good idea of what Pro-Hero to be part of during the Internship.[/color] [color=FFB6C1]” Katō-chan, which Pro-Hero are you going to be taking as an internship? If you know, I will go with you since it’s always good to be with friends.”[/color] [color=silver]Shinon said with a giggle. She didn’t really have any idea about an internship since she was a bit too afraid. All this is a bit too much for her basically felt like she saw her mother when she was crying. Her mother crying was one of the biggest digs in her soul since her grandparents were a bit overly hard on Rei.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [@Lord Indra][@alexfangtalon] [hr] [center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210527/92385638c18db46bb386aa26f344a08e.png [/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent][indent][color=silver][b]Esuha City, Guiding Waters Agency[/b] Inside of the Guiding Waters Agency in Rei’s Office on the agency's fifth floor, her husband Suzuki, her firstborn daughter Chihiro and herself. Yukimura Rei was a bit shocked at the announcements at the Hero Billboard Conference. Nikushimi Shinsetsuna, the fourth pillar, started to take on more internships to help get more heroes into the ranks. Himura Hakune said that it shocked her the most, and she announced they are on a cusp of a civil war. Rei knows she must guide the generation so they can be great heroes, as she always has done. The guidance of the younger generations must be able to contend with those villains, and the idea of having many more #1 Heroes would be a good idea. Suzuki could tell his wife had much stress on her, but that is why Chihiro is here to help her guide the heroes to be the best of their abilities. He interrupted his wife’s thoughts by playing his harp to help everyone since this is a stressful time.[/color] [color=87CEFA]” It would be better if you weren’t so stressed out, my lovely wife. Balance is better when you are properly in the mood to help guide our new soon-to-be heroes.”[/color] [color=silver]Suzuki said. He says things that make his wife not so stressed since she can be outright stressed at most times. It is only because running an Agency, being a mother, and a pillar is hard work. Rei gives out a small giggle at what her husband said, and the goofy aloof husband is an optimist as he is. She sighs deeply with regret in feeling so stressed it doesn’t help that her youngest is so far away from her right now. Shinon is on her own path and needs to get out of underneath her mother’s shadow, or she won’t grow into the beautiful woman that she will be.[/color] [color=00FA9A]” I am grateful to be your wife, Suzuki. You always know how to get the best out of me. I should probably get to work than about what I should do.”[/color] [color=silver]Rei said with a smile. She does know her older daughter probably wants to say something. Chihiro has a worry streak about her little sister Shinon, the sweetest and kindest girl that is shy and unable to say her peace. She looks over to her mother while sitting on the couch in her mother’s office since the Guiding Waters Agency is where she wants to stay.[/color] [color=FFF8DC]” Mother, I am worried deeply. Shinon is living at Eirei Academy, but I hope she’s alright.”[/color] [color=silver]Chihiro said with a tone of incredible worry. Shinon and her are close even though Chihiro is much more outgoing, and Shinon is a bit of a person who would rather deal with homework and stay inside. Rei smiles gently towards her daughter Chihiro and knows how close the two are. It is cute to think the older sister is terrified for her little sister, but Shinon is compared to Chihiro. They are not opposites since they are both beautiful, and Rei loves them so much as daughters and would never pick them until they are absolutely ready to be the new head of the family. Rei isn’t ready to retire from being the head of the Yukimura Family since she has to see her daughter grow up into a beautiful woman and finally get out of her shell of shyness.[/color] [color=00FA9A]” Chihiro, you shouldn’t worry that much. It is a good thing that Shinon is at Eirei Academy instead of dealing with what had happened. They have great security, and I do believe Shinon will be safer there than anywhere else. But she’ll need to pick an internship. I have a feeling I do know who I would want to watch my daughter.”[/color] [color=silver]Rei said with a smile. Suzuki looked at his eldest daughter and need her to get out of the office so Rei can send her messages to the people she wants to send to. All because Chihiro still needs to practice one of her newest hero moves that heals like a healing beam of light. Suzuki has been helping her in this sense. He is much of a person who enjoys giving useful criticism to hero moves. Rei watches her husband and Chihiro leave the office to go somewhere else, which would be the training room on the 1st floor on the left side of the building. She decides to send no other than communication to Nikushimi Shinsetsuna, the fourth pillar. Obviously, she wants to write on it since even though Snake-Eyes is one of those who are brutal, get the job done.[/color] [color=00FA9A][i] It feels like it was yesterday we last talked, but you were busy with your hero work, and I was guiding heroes to their future. I am happy that you finally decided to take on more internships because of these dark times. I have respected what you have done to rid our world of villains since heroes need to do what they must and others to do what they must. What I am getting at is, can you please help my youngest, Yukimura Shinon the Tidal Priestess, survive this darkness? I wouldn’t want to bury my children before I die since I love them so much. As Glaser, I send my serenity to you. It would be what my husband would say, so I am copying him somewhat. Hehe, sorry for that.[/i][/color] [color=silver]Rei felt like that should be enough for Nikushimi Shinsetsuna to deal with since anymore. It would more feel like a worried mother over another Pillar sending a letter to help their daughter stay alive in these dark times. Therefore, Rei would accept an internship as normal since her usual number when Zeal was still alive was around 18 internships. However, since the Heroes lost much in Zeal’s Death, it will be better to increase her internships. Rei is ever much one that has some deep-seated issues, and those issues usually come up whenever remembering how her parents put her on a pedestal, and it sucks. She gets up from her desk since she needs to get some water before starting crying since it would be better not to. It hurt Shinon the most seeing her cry since she couldn’t handle the overloading pressure her parents gave her.[/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent] [@Blizz]